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Old 01-01-1970, 12:00 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Best Model T restaurant in the hills

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Took my old 14 across the border into West Virginia down in the hills and found a super,first place to chow down. She an't to pretty from the outside,also she an't to pretty from the inside either.I walked inside and found a table and sat down,out from the back came this big ole gal,with tattooes up one arm and down the other. In big red letters on the left arm it said Airborn.She had a spit-cup tucked down right in the middle of her bra,right in the center.I saw a pouch of cuddypipe chewing tobacco laying on the counter.She had a big wad stuff in her jaw and was working hard on it.She ask me if I was had?I said no I have not been had yet. So I ordered a couple of eggs,ham and fried tatters crisp.In about 10 min here she come with my ordered then I notice she had tennis shoes on 1 black one and one blue one. She said the bull dog ate one of the blue ones.I ask if he like it and she smiled and said I guess sonny. I haven't been called sonny for 50 years.Here I'm close to death,one foot in the grave and she called me sonny. Anyway she put my food on the table. You should have seen those eggs. They had a black fire ring around them and the centers blowed out of them.The ham was almost black anth tatters were hard as a rock.Now this fall I am going to take the Model T club on tour guess our first stop for lunch is going to be.You guess it and I hope she on duty.I'm going to get even. I got to find a place for them to stay the first night and She might help me on that.I could arrange a tour for you flatlanders and bush monkeys out west,now those soggy swamp rats from the south could not stand this tour,too rough for them.There nothing like good country fooks.Can't beat them? Better go now my stomach not to good yet.

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