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Old 06-03-2018, 03:59 PM   #61
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Is your job repetitious?
Some years back I had my two hip joints replaced. The fellow who performed the job was like all surgeons in so far as he was a well qualified doctor, well trained and well experienced as well up in the higher branches of the money tree for which I have no envy or resentment.
Surgeon did one patient in morning, followed by morning tea, then another and had dinner,then another and had afternoon tea, then another and called it a day. That’s four a day. That’s all he did. Very repetitious.
For much ofthe year my job could be repetitious too. I would takeoff in the morning about daylight, turn left and head out to farms I was about to spray with various pesticides or spread fertilizer or sow rice seed in the spring. I’d return in the evenings after treating a number of paddocks which varied in size from 50 to maybe 300 acres.
One morning,shortly after takeoff I was thinking my job too was repetitious. It was how ever not boring. I saw an excavator down below, digging a wide channel. It was owned and driven by a well know personality by the name of John Robertson.
When I returned that evening I made of point of checking on Robbo who was still working away. He had moved some 50 yards.
Realisation came to me. My job was pretty good. Not as repetitious as the surgeon who replaced my hips or Robbo’s digging a big channel. That made me pretty pleased about things.

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Old 06-04-2018, 04:30 PM   #62
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Gary offends Guest Workers.
I was spreading fertilizer off a strip at Senai in southern peninsula Malaysia, it’s just north of Singapore. This was in about the mid ’90s.
Usually the fertilizer was trucked in bulk but on occasions in bags, sometimes small 50 kg (1 cwt) bags. At such times a team of “guest workers” arrived to decant it.
This story isof one such occasion. The guest workers were Indonesians.
I should have started this story with a quick introduction of the Malaysian language. One would give a greeting, just like we do, in the morning, afternoon and evening.The greeting would be prefixed by the word “selamat” meaning greeting of course.In the morning it was selamat pagi.
So, me being polite gave each of these Indo’s a greeting selamat pagi.
My offsider,also a guest worker, a Tamal from Sri Lanka named Ragoo comes to me and says
Mr Gary, viyyu tork like tviss? You make them vverry aangri.
What did Isay?
Cannot say MrGary, they vverry aangri.
So I return to the labourers and yes they were sullen. Very sullen. But one old Chinese bloke who was driving a backhoe was besides himself. In stitches.
It took me awhile to get to the bottom of this. My Malaysian language skills weren’t so very good.
I was not saying selamat pagi but I was saying selamat pookie. It turns out pookie means vagina. But it gets worse. It really means a vulgar name for vagina starting with a “C”.
I was walking around saying greetings C to all of them. Yeh, that made them vverri aanggari.

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Old 06-05-2018, 04:28 PM   #63
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What goes around, comes around.
Some 40,000 Piper Cubs were built starting in 1938 andfinishing in 1994. So long as aeroplanes exist so will the Cub. The forerunner was the Taylorcraft, first flying in 1932and powered by a 28hp engine. It was said to be underpowered and a 38hp enginewas installed. That was said to be overpowered. Through the production period the power was increased in increments to 150hp. They are now re-engined to180hp and used both privately and commercially all around the world andparticularly in Alaska. At Anchorage airport up to one third of light aeroplanes are Cubs.I found it curious that very few aeroplanes were hangared. I was told the UV radiation was low but they mostly were hangared in the winter when most did not fly.
Aeroplane registration in Australia is prefixed by the letters VH followed by a dash then three letters. The call sign is the 3 letters following the VH.
My son Dennis Mexted had a Piper Cub registered VH-MGN and thus it’s call sign is Mike Golf November.
Dennis is married to Kathy Whitty. Whitty by name and whitty by nature. So Kathy called the aeroplane not Mike Golf November but “Mexted Going Nowhere”.
Recently Dennis traded the plane for a Cessna 180. Just by chance the rego is VH-WGN. And what does Dennis call it?
Whitty Going Nowhere.
What goes around comes around.
I endeavoured to download a picture however this site is just too complex for my simple computer skills.
footnote. well after much endeavour I got the picture on.
No I didn't. It took place of my model a with Woofa. I change it tomorrow.

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Old 06-05-2018, 05:53 PM   #64
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testing my computer learning ability. I want a user cp.
let's see.

Just like Professor Higgins said. "I think she's (he in this case) got it.
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Old 06-06-2018, 04:04 PM   #65
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CASA is our Civil Aviation and Safety Authority. It is deception that they be called safety authority because their pilots have had nearly as many crashes as I have had hot breakfasts. Many had come from the military and they were impractical and authoritive. At 70 I can bag CASA without fear of any reprisals from nasty little upstarts. My pilot licence renewal is about due and I intend to retire so CASA can stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Bill Scott was a CASA ag pilot examiner and an ex military man. I must commend him because he never had crashed an aeroplane. Not a popular fellow in our industry however I got along with him well. He was man enough that one could speak bluntly with him. Bill gave me a piece of information that turned out useful and I enjoy passing it onto others.

Public servants and bureaucrats may write and demand explanations. They are expecting a reply in writing and when you respond they’ve gotcha. What they can’t deal with is those who don’t reply .

I received a letter from a high ranking authority. A powerful government department . They enquired as to which contractors erected a substantial building on my property. I didn’t answer. My accountant said I wouldn’t get away with it. Well they wrote a second, a third, a forth, a fifth and a sixth and then they went away. They didn’t bother me any more.

Another pilot I know received a letter from a lowly government official demanding an explanation. At my advise (originating fromBill) I advised him not to respond. He didn’t. Following yet another demand he received a phone call asking him to respond. He said he had no intention of writing but invited the bureaucrat to come and talk to him. Of course the bureaucrat didn’t and the whole matter faded into the thin air.

Good advise. Thankyou Bill.

Likewise, if you have a complaint to make to a government department you must do it in writing. A verbal complaint goes no further when the conversation ends. An emailed copy is acknowledged electronically upon receipt by a department. Then receipt cannot be denied.

I know many things,
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And there are times when I have a long memory.

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Old 06-06-2018, 05:12 PM   #66
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I would respond to this posting but I have beed advised not to.
Shawnee OK
'31 SW 160-B
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Old 06-07-2018, 03:57 PM   #67
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Robbie and Paul Brennan.

During wet winters,many telephone orders include the statement “got my boom bogged”. Well those are good and profitable years foraeroplane operators. But it comes with a problem. If the ground is wet, so are the airstrips.

For years in the Oakland and Jerilderie areas I had 2 roads which I flew off and this saved the crops of many farmers.

Well my friend Robby had a similar situation. In the Carrathool area he too used a road.

In Finley there is a husband and wife vet team. Paul and Di Brennan. They both drive little green Subaru wagons. It goes without saying they blend in nicely with winter growth when the whole country side is green.

Well Robbie is making a landing but the aeroplane won’t settle. This would have been a little confusing. But then a little green car shoots out from the trailing edge of the wing. Of course this give Robbie a fright, he does a go around, asks his driver to stop the vehicle. Robbie lands, sits on the wheel to recover from his fright and recover his composure.

The driver was Paul Brennan, the vet from Finley. He too got a fright. Said he recently had a blowout and said he had figured he had a double blowout. Otherwise he was fairly light hearted.

The aeroplane wheel touched down on the right side of the roof, it slid down the pillar between thefront and rear windows, ran along the shoulder, jumped the side mirror, ran along the right side of the bonnet about which time Robbie applied power.

I heard about this 2days later. I knew the Brennans well and chatted to them. I assured them Robbie would pay for the repairs to their vehicle. I was keen to quell the potential of bad publicity to our industry.

Di Brennan came back and said the repair cost was $500 and she felt it wouldn’t be right to ask Robbie for that. I assured them that the cost was quite acceptable and assured them again Robbie would pay.

The Brennans now have a practice in Nurmurkah in Northern Vic. I saw Di a weeks ago and she said they still had the vehicle. The incident happened in the early ‘80’s and at the time of this writing means 38 years ago.

I always figured the reason Paul didn’t get it repaired was it had become the central conversation piece when he arrived at a farm. Paul would lean on his car, the farmer would walk across and the opening remarks from Paul were, bet you don’t know how these dents got here. He tells the story frequently and is tells it well. He is getting quite good at telling it.

Well the story doesn’tend there. The Griffith aero club has an annual wings presentation dinner. They called Robbies home to ensure Robbie would attend. A presentation was to be made to him they said. Robbies wife Valorie felt pride and importance so off the both went. I reckon Robbie knew what was coming. Well then comes first prize for the biggest fool of the year.The trophy was a dunny seat. Well of course it was presented to Robbie. Val was indignant.

I know many things,
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And there are times when I have a long memory.

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Old 06-08-2018, 05:23 PM   #68
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Flying for Graham.

The spring was idle with just nothing to spray. However in the Riverina rice was sown and aeroplanes were busy. I went to the town of Tocumwal and worked for a colourful character by the name of Graham George. I had a love / hate relationship withGraham. The love was some fun and funny times we had and the hate was frustration and failure in his management and organisation.
Well Graham could fly and I didn’t understand why he was hiring a pilot when he could fly himself. He spoke about getting an ag rating ( endorsement on his pilot licenceto conduct agricultural flying). With that I made the assumption he had acommercial pilot licence which gave him the right to fly professionally. That is to make a living from flying.
Some months after returning to Queensland my brother in law phoned and spoke of an aeroplane crash at Tocumwal. Well I phoned our CASA and asked them if theycould check and see who it was and assuming it was Graham, was there any complications.
It took only5 minutes for them to call back and say yes. Graham didn’t have a pilot licence and he didn’t have an operators licence either. They did believe however he had a drivers licence and they did know that he was in an ambulance enroute to Mooroopna hospital.
I decided I should take the 850 mile trip south and see him. Beside he hadn’t paid me for 3 months work. This needed to be talked about.
Fuel was inextremely short supply. Unions had gone on strike. I decided to hitch hike.Road transports were still running because they probable had fuel in storage.
So I did just that. Hitch hiked. Two days later I met with Graham in Mooroopna hospital and we had a very funny meeting anddiscussion. Graham had humour and could turn a Dracula story to a fun story just like you would see on Disneyland.
This story is too long to continue in one episode and the funny story will continue tomorrow. It is funny.
I know many things,
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And there are times when I have a long memory.

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Old 06-08-2018, 05:31 PM   #69
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the Graham story will continue Monday Australian time. g

Disregard the above. g
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And there are times when I have a long memory.

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Old 06-08-2018, 08:08 PM   #70
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A story with a picture. This is from 4 days ago. When my girls were growing up (b 1980, 81, 83) I bought a '29 roadster out of a barn in Lake Tahoe. It had been the camp car at a girls camp up there since 1932. Bought from the son of the original owner.

The motor was stuck but we took the head off and loosened things up and put it back together. On it's maiden voyage (1988) my middle girl, 7 yrs old said, Dad does this car run on wood. There was a distinct smell of wood smoke coming from the muffler. After a few good backfires, the rats nest and pine nuts were dislodged. I didn't restore it. It was just as it was, the last time they had used it at the camp. Duties included bringing firewood home in the rumble during those mid years so it was a little tired looking but, pleasantly so.

We had lovely family outings and memories in that car. My 3 girls gave me back 6 boys. And it was about 5 years ago that they started pestering me to get another model A. They wanted the grandsons to have some of the same experiences they had loved. Of course I said; "You're killing me." And about 5 minutes later found this roadster up on the top coast of California on a ranch.

Now it's doing it's duty, this picture was taken last monday out on "Mud Lake" east and south of Tonopah. We drove down in the cool of evening as the sun was setting. Extremely rough 4WD road, about 13 miles down to the dry lake. Shift a thousand times, and one particularly bad ditch that would have broken the axle immediately if there was a bowtie on the front instead of an oval. She's a digger, and out we came again without much trouble.

The silence and beauty of that dry lakebed in the middle of nowhere is just incredible. The car is bonnie gray, but the late hour, sun had been down for 20 minutes, turned it this beautiful color. We made it home fine with headlamps glowing. My 14 year old and 7 year old grandsons, Rowan and Oliver were along for the adventure, with their mom, my middle girl, Tina. That's Oliver in the rumble seat. In one of the most beautiful places on earth, looking at an I-pad.
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Old 06-09-2018, 02:44 AM   #71
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The story continues from yesterday.
Working inthe Riverina. I wanted to return home to Western Queensland for Christmas. To get home was a 3 hour drive to Melbourne airport, a 2 hour flight and a 5 hour drive to my town of Miles. The return could be short so long as I had Christmas day with my wife and kids.
On Christmas eve Graham drove me to Melbourne. Passing by the town of Numurkah we spotted a cop on the other side of the road, writing out a ticket for some unfortunate woman. We continued, exceeding the speed limit. Graham thought he was too important in his BMW for the policeman to chase. But alas the policeman did and Graham got himself a ticket.
About two months later, back working in Queensland my brother in law called and spoke ofan aeroplane crash in Tocumwal. Well you know the story, yesterdays story.
Well I took a trip to Mooroopna hospital to see Graham. Here he was with his legs in the air, attached to cords with weights. Legs spread. Just like one sees in cartoon sketches.
We had agreat time telling jokes, telling of past times. I guess we told some lies too.Well Graham tells me he has had 7 shits in the last 10 days. I ask if he counts them and he says yes.
It’sembarrassing Gary he says. I hold on till my cheeks (facial) swell then yell for a nurse who does the necessary. God it’s humiliating.
During the afternoon he says Gary, I must show you this. He rolls with great discomfort to a bed side table and retrieves a letter. It’s from the Victorian Commissionerof Police. It goes something like this.
Dear Mr George. It is a privilege for you to drive in Victoria on an interstate licence. You have been charged with speeding and we hereby revoke that privilege. You are banned for a period of 3 months.
Graham laughs and that hurts his rib cage. He really is in pain.
I can’t evenwipe my arse let alone drive he says. He continues to laugh. It is really very funny.
I enjoy spending the day with him. He is funny and has more front than Myers department stores.
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Old 06-09-2018, 05:35 AM   #72
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Duane's down wind landing.
My spring work is rice sowing followed closely by spraying for insects and weeds. It's the busiest time of the year and required the help of two additional pilots. I hired Duane Switzer and David Salter. I was fortunate that I could call on 2 very experience pilots. Between the 3 of us we had a little more than 70 thousand hours flying.
Springtime has some terrible weather. Cold fronts pass through continually sometimes as frequently as 1 every 5 days. Winds reach gale force and at times we are compelled to work in high winds. Up to 30 knots. Find an airstrip into wind, land, load and takeoff without turning the aeroplane around. It is not possible to turn it around on the ground. Fly the seed in spreading one way only.
All this because rice seed has been wet and germinated. it is growing. If left unsown it becomes matted. It is then disposed of. Costly and in the interim the paddy water gets sour and establishment of the new crop is slow.
One such windy day David and I had returned to base then along comes Duane. From the south west with 30 knots of wind behind him. He flys past the strip, turns and lands into wind. When he walked in I simply commented. Couldn't handle a strait in Duane? Well he returns of the plane, cranks, takesoff, does a 180 and lands down wind at horrendous speed. He wasn't going to get put down.
Now Duane is an interesting bloke. Lives on 3 continents. North America, South America and Australia. He has written a book so this is a plug for his book. On his experiences world wide and aeroplane ferry all around the world. Good reading and easy flowing. not many people have had his experience.
It can be bought on Amazon for $29USD.

My Flying Stories. by Duane Switzer.

I enjoyed it which was helped by the fact I get a mention. It is me in the aeroplane that is featured on the front cover.
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Old 06-09-2018, 08:13 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by burner31 View Post
I would respond to this posting but I have beed advised not to.
Me too !

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Old 06-10-2018, 04:35 AM   #74
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reply to MIKEINNJ.
yes Mike. I too like the Model A for its simplicity. I've owned my first one for 28 years. I've had a love affair with the ladies since I was a school kid. Other priorities and moving to develop career overrode the purchase of same.
Did you read a previous story I wrote where a farming family owned some 10 of them.
I do like the English Jag and Rover. But just look under the bonnet . It's a nightmare. Simplicity is divine. gary
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Old 06-10-2018, 05:05 PM   #75
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The fencing contractor.

In the early70’s I was mustering cattle in the Northern Territory with a Bell 47. This is a3 seater bubble type helicopter.
The“territory” has many remote and isolated cattle properties. Numerous are 1 mil acres which is the max area available for leasehold. There are 5 properties bigger than 3 mil acres.The quality of this country is variable from poor with only small carrying capacity to very large well grassed plains. Men and women can be characters and some are household names. Bernie Thomlan was one such person. A fencing contractor I met at Willeroo Station which is west of the town of Katherine.

The town ofLarrimah is a little over 100 miles south of Katherine and has a population of 11, yes eleven. A property at Larrimah has an extensive area of Coolabah trees.You know the tree under which the swagman sat after stealing the jumbuck. (waltzing matilda).

Bernie spent3 days there cutting Coolabah posts. Then who should arrive but the station owner and a policeman. Bernie didn’t have permission to gather timber and immediately realised he was stuck. Well the owner said he wasn’t intending to press charges, Bernie departed so did the owner and policeman. But the owner returned next day, along with a truck and helpers. They were now his posts and he was coming to pick them all up. He was pleased with Bernie. Now Bernie the provider.

When he arrived at the site for the posts he found Bernie had returned with his chainsaw and what were posts was now cut in half. Now good only for fire wood.

And no one in the top end of the Territory ever lit a fire except at a stock camp or cattle drive. Aircon was more appropriate.

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Old 06-11-2018, 03:33 AM   #76
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Arrival at Coolangatta.
Late autumn is when the aerial ag industry meets for the AGM. Mostly held on the Gold Coast which is at the southern end of Queensland.
On arrival at the airport, Coolangatta, I was asked to extend my down wind leg. After not getting any further instructions from the tower I called and advised I was now beyond gliding distance from land. I further more had not bought my floaties. Could I have a clearance please to turn to final. Yes, granted. (Floaties may be, I don’tknow, a local term for small plastic blow up floatation devises one puts on the arms of kids and blow up).
After landing and shutting down I called the tower and asked if they would kindly order me a taxi.
Yes give us your name please. Now our family name is unusual and some have difficulty in comprehending. Mexted I say. They asked for “say again” and I gave them same again.
My friend from Stawell in Victoria arrived at the same time. He was standing next to me. His name is Lindsay Seehusen.
Gary, order a cab for me too please. Here’s a mic Lindsay you can make the request. He does so and then of course comes the request for his name.
Smith he says. We have a laugh. The cabs dually arrive. We had a good conference. We have a informative and social time. Many tales are told, some of them quite untrue of course. Comradeship and liquor does expand the imagination of the mind.

I must compare the cropduster pilots convention to the Model A bi annual meeting and conference. That will be tomorrow.
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Old 06-12-2018, 04:50 PM   #77
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Reprimand from military base commander
I was to fly from Jendarata in the north of Malaysia to a plantation airstrip near Ceni in southern Malaysia. When I arrived it was necessary for me to go in person to speak to the base commander of a military helicopter base nearby.
How did you get there the man enquired. I flew outside controlled airspace (OCTA) I responded. He gave me a dressing down for not having lodged a flight plan. Very dangerous pilot I was. Could have had a midair if no one knew I was around. (Malaysian OCTA movements are nil but I didn’t tell him that and he knew anyway.)
It was only a few weeks later there was a midair. Two military helicopters, both on radio and right above the control tower. That is, in controlled airspace and in view of the controller. !!!
For the duration of my flying career all accidents have been CTA or pilots on radio. There is only one exception that I am aware of was in a cotton area in Northern NSW. It was a fatal and very sad especially for those in the ag business.
Whilst the above was serious and sad there was a humorous comment made by the surviving pilot. The engine had gone, the hopper had gone and the most forward part of the aeroplane was the rudder pedals and pilot’s feet. As the aeroplane descended ground wards in a waffling manner the pilot said, ‘shit this will hurt’. It did indeed. He had many months off work.
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Old 06-12-2018, 05:03 PM   #78
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And a little funny for the day.
Gleaned from a news item many years ago.

Car crashes as Chinese woman gives dog driving lessons

Posted 29 Aug 2006, 12:20amTue 29 Aug 2006, 12:20am

Map: China

Chinese state media says a Chinese woman's attempt to teach her dog how to drive proved a costly error, as her car crashed into an oncoming vehicle.

Xinhua news agency reports no one - including the dog- was injured, but both vehicles were slightly damaged.

Xinhua says the accident happened recently in the city of Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia region.

The woman, surnamed Li, had noticed how fond the dog was of crouching on the wheel, and thought it should have a go at steering thecar.

She herself operated the accelerator and the brake.

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Old 06-12-2018, 07:29 PM   #79
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woofa and all: Love the stories! Keep 'em coming!
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Old 06-13-2018, 02:33 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by 40 Deluxe View Post
woofa and all: Love the stories! Keep 'em coming!

yeh, thanks. I'm going to run out of stories sometime. I would be pleased if you and others wrote some too. I have a funny ready for tomorrow and I'll write another story in the morning Australian time.
When I am not working, which is frequent these days I can not break the habit of rising at 4am. So I'm at a loss with nothing to do. So I'll write. It's cold by our standards with temp down to 45 degrees on your Fahrenheit scale. that's cold and it's about to get colder. I'm a sook with cold and with wet weather. I'll write a story about that. soon. gary
I know many things,
But I don't know everything,
Sometimes I forget things.

And there are times when I have a long memory.
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