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Old 12-06-2018, 02:20 PM   #381
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Malaysia is a dry state.

Money changes that doesn’t it. We all know Al Capone make his living by wetting people’s throats? Yes? It happens in every place throughout the world and that includes Malaysia.
You see Malaysia is a dry state, officially that is but we purchased liquor from Filipino pirates through an intermediary. Good beer, San Miguel and poor rum,Tanduay. It came in hessian bags and was buried in the sand on the beach. Our intermediary, Risol, dug it up and delivered it. After removing the bottle cap we would need to wipe the sand off the bottle neck.

Our supply stopped for a while but restarted again, this time with a change in vendors. The police. With a price increased of course. We orang putih’s ( white man ) were a reliable and profitable market. They, the police made up their own wages and they did that with great resource. The liquor trade they had just entered, a fee on illegal immigrants charged prior to disembarking, traffic infringements with on the spot negotiated fines. They had every form of graft covered. Resourceful weren’t they.

We all reckoned Risol had been a former pirate, he denied this. He had a few, maybe 8 tattoo spots on his face which we figured was a form of branding.

More about resourceful pirates in a future story.

Fromthe internet. Orang Putih. ... OrangPutih happens to be a term written in the Malay language. ... Hence, Orang Putih means White People in English.
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Old 12-07-2018, 02:01 PM   #382
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Moo flys us to Moscow.

Moo is our son, all our kids have nick names. Moo lives in Hong Kong and flies and Airbus for a well known carrier. They, the carrier were about to discontinue their service to Moscow so Moo bids for one of the last flights. He takes his mum and I. The paper work to enter was extensive so we hired an agency to make this application. We have a 3 day hold over. We stay in a nice hotel, somewhere between a 3 and 4 star. Top breakfast and excellent but expensive beer.
We travel to town on the train which was in a poor state of repair and extremely noisy where the wheels meet the ribbon. Inexpensive. Moscow is a show piece and I envisage the country’s wealth being plundered to have built it and now support it. Red square and surrounds are very picturesque. Went to a ballet in the Kremlin where my wife Patsy received an abusive reprimand from an official for hanging her coat on the seat infront. If a Russian official has reason to speak to you they can be quite nasty. We were able to speak to only a few locals purely because of language barrier. They didn’t look a happy lot and that is partly because of seemingly never ending inclement weather and past poor treatment from governments. Their supermarkets are of a good standard, not quite up to western standards but never the less good. 2 rows of liquor, mainly vodka. American fast food restaurants were there including McDonalds but they get everywhere just like vegemite. Cars were good European vehicles. Saw only 4 Russian cars and they were in poor condition. They haven’t been a successful manufacturing nation. Chinese were making their new fast trains for them. The French military ships and they were changing their aeroplanes to western made.
Am I knocking them? No. Infact I feel quite sorry for them. We would be just the same position too if our governments ran things. They have had the greatest political leader in my life time. Gorbachev. He gave them their freedom and started them on their way to a better standard of living.
They have produced some of the greatest musicians in history in my opinion. Tchaikovsky,Shostakovich, Rachmaninoff, don’t forget Berlin. I went to the internet to find the spelling of Tchaikovsky and found 70 Russian renowned world composers most of which I have never heard of.
Now the flight. These days guests are not permitted in the cockpit. I would have enjoyed some of this. Weather put Moo 150 miles right of track and he had more than 2 hours of St Elmo’sfire. In my life time of flying I have never once seen it. Positive electrical neutrons ignite (so to speak) when they come in contact with metal items such as windscreen wipers. It’s apparently spectacular watching flames run over the windscreen. From Wikipedia I have copied and pasted this description below. I had never known it was a phenomena experienced at sea.

St. Elmo's fire

St. Elmo's fire on a ship at sea
St.Elmo's fire (also St.Elmo's light[1][2])is a weatherphenomenonin which luminous plasmais created by a coronal dischargefrom a sharp or pointed object in a strong electric field in the atmosphere (such as thosegenerated by thunderstormsor created by a volcanic eruption).
St. Elmo'sfire is named after St. Erasmus of Formia (also called St. Elmo,one of the two Italian names for St. Erasmus, the other being St. Erasmo), the patron saint of sailors. The phenomenon sometimes appeared on ships at sea during thunderstorms and was regarded by sailors with religious awe for its glowing ball of light, accounting for the name.[3]Sailors may have considered St. Elmo's fire as a good omen (as a sign of the presence of their patron saint).[4]

St. Elmo'sfire is a bright blue or violet glow, appearing like fire in some circumstances, from tall, sharply pointed structures such as lightning rods, masts,spires and chimneys, and on aircraft wings or nose cones.St.Elmo's fire can also appear on leaves and grass, and even at the tips of cattle horns. [5]Often accompanying the glow is a distinct hissing or buzzing sound. It is sometimes confused with ball lightning.
In 1751, Benjamin Franklin hypothesized that a pointed iron rod would light up at the tip during a lightning storm, similar in appearance toSt. Elmo's fire.[6][7]
St. Elmo'sfire is a form of plasma. The electric field around the object inquestion causes ionizationof the air molecules, producing a faint glow easily visible in low-light conditions. Conditions that can generate St. Elmo's fire are present during thunderstorms, when high voltage differentials are present between clouds and the ground underneath. A local electric field of approximately 100kV/m is required to induce a discharge in air. The magnitude of the electric field depends greatly on the geometry (shape andsize) of the object. Sharp points lower the necessary voltage because electric fields are more concentrated in areas of high curvature, so discharges preferably occur and are more intense at the ends of pointed objects.
The nitrogen and oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere cause St. Elmo's fire to fluoresce with blue or violetlight; this is similar to the mechanism that causes neon lights to glow.[8]

At Moscow immigration I was processed by a stern woman. I insisted she smile but she didn’t until she handed back my passport and gave me a beautiful wide smile.They too are human but have never been treated as such. By their governments that is.
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Old 12-08-2018, 02:54 PM   #383
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I’m now a highly qualified pilot.

I’m sure it was some wise guy in the public service who figured he could make himself important if he created an additional rating on an ag pilots licence. A mouse baiting rating.
A bloke travelled all around the country tutoring ag pilots on how to go about what has always been their business. Following an afternoons tutoring we sat a written and in time received accreditation to bait mice. Something we have done for years.
It hadn’t been legal for a long time because the usual old insecticide we had always used was a chlorinated hydrocarbon (DDT family) and had been withdrawn from use. We then moved to more modern but unregistered at the time -organophosphates. No I’m not trying to baffle you with big words. Then when eventually organophosphates had become registered for mouse baiting the government played catchup.
I now have a“mice baiting rating”. I have been tutored, examined and granted a licence by a bloke who has never dropped a mice bait in his life and can’t fly an aeroplane.

Now that’s progress don’t you think.?
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Old 12-09-2018, 09:53 AM   #384
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Hi Gary, your article about going to Moscow reminded me that I was there one time, but only for a few hours.
Not Moscow itself but at the old airport, I think it was north of the city, but not sure.
This was in July, 1994, I was enroute from Calgary to Surgut, Siberia in an old DC8 (charter) and stopped at Moscow to clear customs and refuel. There was about 30 or 40 of us, oil patch workers. They brought all the luggage in to process it, one of the baggage carts being towed in had a flat tire on it, going kerplunk, kerchunk, kerclunk over and over, occasionally a piece of luggage would fall off, but they had a fellow walking alongside that would pick it up and throw it back on top of the cart. The luggage was put in a big pile in the back of the terminal and we had to sort it out as everyone had to take there own luggage to processing, around at the front. There was about 8 lines and they all moved at the same dead slow speed, when the first one would pass a fellow through then the next one would let one pass, then the next one, etc, etc. All the luggage went through an X-ray machine and the line I was in the X-ray didn't work, but that didn't seem to bother the inspector. I don't know if any of the other X-ray machines worked or not.
It was quite dark and dingy in that terminal as about 1/2 the lights were burnt out. Remember this was not too long after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
If you don't hear a rumor by 10 AM, start one!.
Got my education out behind the barn!
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Old 12-09-2018, 11:45 AM   #385
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Good thinking John.

I worked onthe Darling Downs for 5 years, based at Miles which is about mid-way between Dalby and Roma. Enjoyed most everything about it with the exception that seasons / rainfall were unreliable. When, one season, drought became prolonged my employer asked us all to see if we could get some outside employment to tide us all through. Gary went to Sudan in North Africa and sprayed cotton on what Sudanese called the ‘Gazera’.
Khartoum was the capital and when in town we stayed at the Excelsior Hotel. Whilst Sudan was a dry state some hotels had bars. It has since changed to totally dry. Well one day I walked into the bar and here’s a bloke dressed a bit like an Australian farmer and wearing a straw hat.
I said ‘goodday’ and he said like a beer. Of course I accepted, we conversed and the blokes name was John McKeechie, an ag pilot from Victoria. A well known fellow who was well known for his funny antics.
About 15 years later he flew a rice season for me. Sometimes we talked about our times, good and bad, in Sudan. Here is one of John’s stories.
The previous year he was ferrying from Sudan back to UK a Piper Pawnee and experienced engine trouble in north Libya. He figured landing in Libya undesirable but more desirable than landing in the Mediterranean. John landed at Tripoli infact at or near the well known war graves site. He was confronted by several armed military men and marched away to a military site. Here he was spoken to by a high ranking military official and still surrounded by armed men. He was frightened and said he was infact shaking. The high ranking man asked why he was shaking and John gave a very clever answer.
“I don’t know if you are bad men and will shoot me or you are good people and will help me he said”.
Well no one wants to be bad and the military man put his arms around John’s shoulders and said, ‘we are good people’. John has set himself up well and was given assistance. He returned the aeroplane back to England.
Goodthinking John.
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Old 12-10-2018, 02:05 PM   #386
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Flying Fuzz’s RV7.

So you may understand the story I must explain the meaning of the word rating as it pertains to pilots. It is where a pilot receives specific training on some aspect of operation he is not at the time qualified to conduct or on a type of aeroplane he has not flown.
One day when I was working at Wee Waa. I drove to the main strip to show my friend Norm from Griffith who had called by.
Just by chance my friend Fuzz had arrived in his newly built RV7. He had built it himself and made a marvellous job. Fuzz I said, may I have a fly of your aeroplane. Of course Gary he responds.
I strap myself in and my friend Norm does likewise. Then Fuzz walks over and says “I’ll give you an endorsement gary” . I think this is a bit strange, but he owns the aeroplane, and I agree.
Fuss stretches his neck into the cabin and says I'll give you an endorsement on this type gary. He points his finger at the throttle. “line up and push this forward” then walks off.
We have 20 minutes flying. The aeroplane is a delight to fly and we enjoy it immensely.
When we land and disembark Fuzz and his mates are all having a laugh at me. Fuzz asks, do you remember giving me an endorsement in your agcat some years back?
No I don’t.
Well yes you did. You put yourhead in the cabin and said “line up and push this (throttle) forward. I too had agood laugh with the others at this practical joke or pay back.
The picture is from the internet.
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Old 12-11-2018, 01:16 PM   #387
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Talking Re: tell a Model A related story

I've done this one some months back. here it is again, this time edited.

Khartoum International Airport.

In 1977 we had a drought in Queensland so I worked a cotton season in Sudan, Africa. When an aeroplane service was required we flew into Khartoum. On arrival it was customary to circle the tower before landing. Don’t know why but that’s what we did.
One day I didn’t and it wasn’t long before this big black man came and spoke to me. Couldn’t understand a word but when I pointed to the tower I figured I was in trouble.
Yes, I was told, I was a very dangerous pilot. Landed without getting a green verri light. I told the tower man, who spoke good English, that in all the times I landed at Khartoum I had never being given a green verri light and asked if he would show me this green light. We he messed around in a cupboard for a while and pulled out a mains powered torch with a red light. Please will you show me a green light. Fiddles in the cupboard again and has a green lens in his hand. Screws out the red and inserts the green. But that’s not a green light, that’s half a green light (the lenswas broken in about half). He couldn’t produce it and more than 10 minutes had elapsed. I had to write a report on why I was a dangerous pilot.
To depart Khartoum one would taxi to the front of the tower and the controller would step outside and give a wave. One could then depart. One of the pilots was a hardcase Dutchman but the name of Gerard Post. He lied to the controller and said as he was difficult to see, he, the controller should wave his handkerchief. (The controllers had hankies infact they were upmarket blokes trained in England and they had house servants). It reminded us all of the movie ‘the magnificent men in their flying machines.
To depart we had to lodge a flight plan the day before, and before midday otherwise we had to wait an additional day. This was so the military had time to digest a departing aeroplane and wouldn’t shoot us down or so we were told. Remember Khartoum is an international airport.
One learned not to have high expectations and not to become anxious about anything. At least I had a job whereas back at home hardly anyone else did. We were still indrought.
Footnote. The farmers in Sudan were given 20 acres which they called fidans. They were compelled to grow 10 acres of cotton from which the government charges generated income and they could grow any other crop they chose on the other 10. I remember one was peanuts which they called groundnuts and we had soup made of these groundnuts. Farmers there, like everywhere were in the world were hardworkers, innovators and knew their business. The capital, Khartoum is where the two Nile rivers, white on the west and blue on the east, join and make theirway onwards through Egypt into the Mediterranean north of Cairo. The irrigated farm land is on the Blue Nile.
Picture is of the aeroplane I flew in Sudan in 77. Gary was young and handsome in those days !
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Old 12-12-2018, 11:26 AM   #388
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I guess we all have weaknesses. Mine is paperwork. Always has been although I have improved because I found it easier to do it at the time rather than try and recall by memory.
When workload is very high one tends to pay more attention to the work than recording it.This is the case when I worked for Keyland Aviation on the Darling Downs in SE Queensland. The head office at Dalby would be screaming for work invoices and I’d be making promises. Then when it had gone on for too long I thought inleau of an apology I’d write an explanation. Here it is and I think at Dalby it was named Gary’s Lament.

Gary’s Lament.
It is obvious by looks,
One has neglected his books.
Under the workload I have had,
It cannot be looked upon as being so bad.
Eachday with farmers at phone and door,
Order slips on my desk galore,
Allbooked first up the day before.
Trying each day with wind so bad,
Oh how I wished I had a wealthy dad.
And as the season draws to a close,
I look to my performance in the field I choose.
My achievements, gains and mistakes,
And in one particular I take the cake.
This is where you may have guessed,
I don’t shine my very best,
My books.

Yes I had a few more days reprieve but in the end I still had to produce invoices.

the wording in the cartoon says "the jobs not finished until the paperwork's done".
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Old 12-12-2018, 02:38 PM   #389
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

I've had reason to go back and look for an earlier story. In doing so I have re-read stories from people who have contributed to this link. They are interesting stories and interesting people. I've enjoyed reading them again. I encourage you all to write of your car, adventures and careers or jobs. Lately it seems to be me only that is doing the writing. Like me, by writing, you might find how interesting your past has been. I hadn't realised until I wrote these stories. Do write. gary.
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Old 12-13-2018, 01:01 PM   #390
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The 5sec dump rule

Agricultural aeroplanes were to demonstrate to aviation (CASA) that they could dump a full load in 5 seconds. A safety requirement. This was easy if the load was liquid but if it were fertilizer it could not be done and if it was seed the chance was even more remote. There was only one way to pass this government test. Cheat.
For a new aeroplane type I was taking delivery of and being tested in Melbourne I cheated. Inleau of fertilizer we were permitted to use sand meeting some specific requirements however all the sand we checked was wet or damp so we were permitted to use crusher dust inleau of for this one occasion. Three previous attempts had failed. Well I loaded this crusher dust in 50 kilo lots, using a rubbish bin to weigh and physically lift and tip into the aeroplane hopper. I’d count like this 1,2 5 then that would attract the inspectors attention and when they became a little more relaxed I’d skip another couple of numbers. When we had what they believed was 1,200 kilos I flew, dumped and they timed with their stop watches. Yes I made 5 seconds but they didn’t check to see what was remaining in the hopper. I had cheated.
Some years later they became interested following a fatal crash of a pilot flying off our local aerodrome. The fellow had a load of rice seed on board. Although this did not involve me they asked me questions about rice sowing practise. I had modified my dump by removing all inhibiting mechanisms. This had not been approved they said and demanded I demonstrate to them that it met the 5 second requirement. With rice that was damp as per our usual practise of rice sowing. Well I lied and told them it was the wrong time of the year to acquire rice seed but I had bought urea fertilizer inleau of. They accepted this. Good. It is finely prilled and resembles small glass beads. I pointed out the value was some $700 and a local farmer would be pleased if I was to test dump this on his pasture. They accepted this and I provided them a vehicle and they drove some 5 miles to this location. I gave them sufficient time and took off and headed. When I arrived at the site I had about 6oo kilos remaining in the hopper. Other farmers too had part of my load. I achieved their 5 seconds, just. 4.9 they said. Well I had made it. I bought them lunch and they returned to their ivory tower in Sydney.
I don’t know how other operators handled this but they too must have cheated. As I once told a customs man I have no conscience about lying to the government, afterall they lie to me every day. The requirements today have changed. It is required that dump time be placarded on the dash although I don’t ever recall seeing it. I accept the fact that government is both difficult and dumb. It does appear this finding is not only isolated to us here in Australia.

This is a Piper Brave dumping. The picture is internet acquired.
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Old 12-14-2018, 02:16 PM   #391
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Captain feels ill on International Flight.

Sydney is well known for its annual gay and lesbian mardigras. People come from all over Australia and indeed from all over the world for this event. They gather and flaunt their sexuality and it has been a great P.R. success for this different community. Australians have recently voted to legalises this and other practises of very different people.

My friend Russell was pilot on a Sydney to San Francisco flight shortly after on of these annual gatherings. He had a good looking woman visit the cockpit and Russell enjoyed a chat with her. Prior to leaving the cockpit the good looker gave Russell a kiss and he, Russell felt the stubble rub his cheek. I asked Russell how he felt . Sick in the stomach he replied.
I know many things,
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Old 12-14-2018, 09:22 PM   #392
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Originally Posted by woofa.express View Post
Captain feels ill on International Flight.

Sydney is well known for its annual gay and lesbian mardigras. People come from all over Australia and indeed from all over the world for this event. They gather and flaunt their sexuality and it has been a great P.R. success for this different community. Australians have recently voted to legalises this and other practises of very different people.

My friend Russell was pilot on a Sydney to San Francisco flight shortly after on of these annual gatherings. He had a good looking woman visit the cockpit and Russell enjoyed a chat with her. Prior to leaving the cockpit the good looker gave Russell a kiss and he, Russell felt the stubble run his cheek. I asked Russell how he felt . Sick in the stomach he replied.
I think "it" would be a better pronoun to use. Just my personal (non-PC) preference.
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Old 12-15-2018, 02:33 PM   #393
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The print in red has been copied from the enquiry and pasted.

No one likes Banks.

Well hardly anyone does. However I did until I dealt with NAB.
I lived in Finley and had good rapport with all the managers who served there. Even though when I started business I was charged exorbitant fees for my overdraft. When I exceeded the approved limit I was charged 24% interest. Now that doubles the debt every 3 years. That was standard interest by all banks back in the early 80’s and I’m not dark about it. The local managers were excellent and tolerant. However in the mid 90’s the bank decided they could do without a manager and the service along with cooperation severely declined. Next the branch was closed and an agency installed. Later even the agency was closed.
In ’95 I sold my business and later moved 12 miles south to live in Tocumwal. There was a bank there, not Wespac (sometimes called wolfpack) the company I had banked with for all those years, but NAB. So I opened an account there. A personal account and a business account. Shortly after my business account went missing. Yes it had gone. After some searching it was found to have been transferred to another branch namely Deniliquin, some 50 miles away. No discussion or consultation whatsoever. The explanation was the branch operated business accounts and they figured more suitable for me. Well I did business with them and yes you won’t believe this, my account went missing yet again. Another search. It had been transferred to Finley where I had lived just 2 years before. The explanation, it was located closer toTocumwal. Well I got to know them a little and, you’re not going to believe this, it went missing again. This time transferred to Cobram Vic. I didn’t ask why because it was my intention to close it. I also remember being charged $30 if I ran my personal account to overdraft because I hadn’t made provision for such. This was despite the fact I had considerable money in my business account. When I spoke to the manager she advised me to manage my money better.
I closed my accounts and opened with my sons employment banking society in which I was eligible. No trouble since. Don’t you think I was tolerant in staying with the NAB during those uncalled and unwanted changes of branch?. I feel I was treated with contempt. How would you feel?

As I write, banks are facing a Royal Commission into misconduct in banking, superannuation and financial services industry.

What have we found outso far?
We’ve heard evidence of appalling behaviour by Australia’s major banks and financial planners from the past decade, including
alleged bribery, forged documents, repeated failure to verify customers’ living expenses before lending them money, and misselling insurance to people who can’t afford it.
In this week’s hearings, AMP admitted to
lying to regulators, and the Commonwealth Bank admitted some of its financial planners have been charging fees to clients who have died.
AMP’s chief executive became the first high profile casualty of the commission
announcing he was standing down from the company with immediate effect.

The term financial adviser is a phoney for they are simply product sellers.
CEO of AMP resigned and board resigns.
CEO NAB steps aside.
CBA CEO left and CFO resigned.
Westpac is proving grubby but I am not aware of resignations.
ANZ Receiving a grilling. Amongst grubby practise is the charging accounts of the dead for practices or procedures that didn’t exist.
Altogether there has been hundreds of resignations and firings.
Copied from findings, here below.

Much of the royal commission has been concerned with scandals around "fee for no service", where customers were charged without a service provided.
Although it was originally thought to be a $200 million problem, it's now expected
AMP and the banks have stolen more than $1 billion from their own customers.
Commonwealth Bank took it to the next level,
taking money from customers who'd been dead for up to a decade.


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Old 12-16-2018, 01:06 PM   #394
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The administration of normal life matters.

One spends too much time on administration of stuff in their time.
If it’s not paying vehicle and house insurance, rates, or gas bills or electricity bills, telephone bills or toll road bills or vehicle inspection and registration or making out tax returns or paying medical insurance. It doesn’t seem to end in our house, is it also a burden in your house too. Bet it is.
I recently purchased a new car. New to me that is. In Sydney and departed over the harbour bridge and then via tunnel to the west where I found tranquillity to be back in the country. The fellow I made the purchase from removed his toll road tag but held registration and insurance until I arrived home. A few days later I received a bill from a toll collector who wrongly stated I was the owner of the car. Ownership hadn't been transferred at that time and was still in the name of the bloke I had purchased it from but I paid it anyway.
Then came yet another bill for the use of toll roads. When this correspondence became threatening I called them and stated that one, I was not the registered owner at that time and two, I had already paid anyway. The helpful woman on the other end of the line told me there were 17 toll roads owned by various operators. Had the previous car owner she explained, left the tag in place it would have been simple but the electronic gate keepers have read the number plate and looked at ownership several days after the event which showed me as the owner. And yes these operators all wanted their respective tolls.

And do you ever get a bill saying the amount owing is nil?
Does bureaucracy and stupidity get you down? Is it little wonder people want to jump off this world or become hermits ? The later is becoming more appealing to me.

I know many things,
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Sometimes I forget things.

And there are times when I have a long memory.
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Old 12-16-2018, 01:32 PM   #395
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Problem solved.
I have been concerned for some time now about being seen by approaching traffic from behind. I had stuck those adherent reflector tapes on the rear of both my Tourer and Ute. they are most effective. However I want more (the Oliver syndrome) so I called a supplier of A parts to buy some LED bulbs for my tail lights. He suggested I go to a bicycle shop and purchase one of those pulsating red lights one sees on push bikes at night. They have, he said, a long life battery, he turns his on for each drive and hardly ever changes the battery. What a good idea.
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Old 12-18-2018, 01:28 PM   #396
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I wrote this story yesterday and it doesn't show up. However I received a message from a reader who spoke about a simular incident he has had. I don't know if editors of this forum have removed it, I can't see why and they haven't notified me. I am lost to think of what may have happened so here it is again.

Editor of local newspaper modifies my letters.

I sometimes write a letter to the editor of our local newspaper. By the feed back I get readers agree with my point of view. I always avoid personal attacks and abuse and bad manners and rudeness. Despite this the newspaper frequently modify and omit data and won’t print anything controversial. So I wrote the letter that follows.

Letter tothe Editor. 25/09/18. (of local newspaper).
It is pleasing one has the forum to voice ones opinion, thoughts and other things.The forum of course being the “letters to the editor” in your newspaper.
However it seems every letter I write is modified or has sentences removed. These are no longer my letters but the editors and I would be pleased if when you modify you would head them editorials.
Thankyou, inanticipation for publishing my letter.
Gary Mexted.

I received a simple reply. No they won’t publish my letter. At times I am critical of the stupidity of our local shire council. I feel sure they are not published because they, the shire council, take out full page ads and the income is important to the paper .
Wouldn’t you be disappointed when your point of view is changed or modified ?

I received a simple reply. No they won’t publish my letter. At times I am critical of the stupidity of our local shire council. I feel the paper protects the shire because they, the shire, take out full page reports and the paper enjoys the income.

Wouldn’t you be disappointed when your point of view is changed or modified ?
I know many things,
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Sometimes I forget things.

And there are times when I have a long memory.
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Old 12-19-2018, 10:48 AM   #397
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Red face Re: tell a Model A related story

Originally Posted by woofa.express View Post
I wrote this story yesterday and it doesn't show up. However I received a message from a reader who spoke about a simular incident he has had. I don't know if editors of this forum have removed it, I can't see why and they haven't notified me. I am lost to think of what may have happened so here it is again.

Editor of local newspaper modifies my letters.

I sometimes write a letter to the editor of our local newspaper. By the feed back I get readers agree with my point of view. I always avoid personal attacks and abuse and bad manners and rudeness. Despite this the newspaper frequently modify and omit data and won’t print anything controversial. So I wrote the letter that follows.

Letter tothe Editor. 25/09/18. (of local newspaper).
It is pleasing one has the forum to voice ones opinion, thoughts and other things.The forum of course being the “letters to the editor” in your newspaper.
However it seems every letter I write is modified or has sentences removed. These are no longer my letters but the editors and I would be pleased if when you modify you would head them editorials.
Thankyou, inanticipation for publishing my letter.
Gary Mexted.

I received a simple reply. No they won’t publish my letter. At times I am critical of the stupidity of our local shire council. I feel sure they are not published because they, the shire council, take out full page ads and the income is important to the paper .
Wouldn’t you be disappointed when your point of view is changed or modified ?

I received a simple reply. No they won’t publish my letter. At times I am critical of the stupidity of our local shire council. I feel the paper protects the shire because they, the shire, take out full page reports and the paper enjoys the income.

Wouldn’t you be disappointed when your point of view is changed or modified ?
Gary, you will find this story under the thread titled "Question for Engine rebuilders" post #9. How did it get there?
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Old 12-19-2018, 11:03 AM   #398
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thanks 40 D. Computers aren't my forte.
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Old 12-19-2018, 11:10 AM   #399
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Brazenly intrusive and presumptuous.

I have 3 times being asked or invited to join “LinkedIn”. The last by a person I don’t know or even know of. Each time I have unsubscribed (I’ve never ever subscribed) and now I am notified of my account number and details. I haven’t logged in to see what details they have and don’t intend to. It might encourage them.
I once read an article in a reputable magazine of an artist who is a dear friend of mine. It asked for comments so I started to write then became aware it was Facebook. I quit that very moment. Now I get emails from them and they too say I have an account.
These social media operators are brazenly intrusive and presumptuous. They should rename themselves “Locked in” and “In Your Facebook”.
How does one rid themselves of these pesky people?

Just like a garden thrush. Shot up the axxx

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I know many things,
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And there are times when I have a long memory.

Last edited by woofa.express; 12-19-2018 at 03:25 PM.
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Old 12-20-2018, 02:16 PM   #400
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Instantly smitten at Guyra.

Ben Lomond actually. Year 1973. I was spreading fertilizer across farm country. Superphosphate. The aeroplane was a Fletcher and I’d carry a useful load of between 18 cwt and a full can of 24cwt depending on airstrip length, prevailing wind and climb requirements. I was working off Pikee Lookers strip, takeoff to the north. I climbed over a small hill on the way to where I was to spread. One load was heavier and I couldn’t make it over the hill so I veered a little to the left and went around. This is where trouble started. There was a cottage on the left and an attractive woman with long blond hair was sitting on the veranda. I gave her a wave. Not an ordinary wave but a small one just like the Queen and waggled my fingers at the same time. She certainly was a good looker.
Next load I went to the left of the hill again. Another wave. Did this about 5 times. She was something out of the box. I’d elope with her. I was smitten.
Next load she was carrying a bale of hay towards a horse. I was concerned that she may hurt her sweet and tender little fingers.
Next load she had her top off. She had no tits. Her was a im.
I was devastated. I felt so foolish. Well did I get what I deserved. It took me over a year to tell anyone of my stupidity. I still feel stupid and sheepish just thinking about it.
I know many things,
But I don't know everything,
Sometimes I forget things.

And there are times when I have a long memory.
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