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Old 05-08-2019, 03:25 PM   #9
KCTA Chris
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Default Re: Road trip: making it there and back

Thanks guys... Leaving Miami the clouds really started to form and by the time I got to turn off "66" my phone started buzzing with weather warnings. Not much for brains I pressed on. We were set for a two hour drive on secondary highways and kept moving. Soon as we started out of town the downpour hit, and rain was standing everywhere. I worried about the roads ahead closing as several places already had water up to the road but kept moving. At times I could barely see and fought with the hand crank wiper, and horrible headwinds that seemed to shift blowing the "Champion" like a sail. At one point I felt I was doing over 50 and was only making 26 mph - that was fast enough. The old body leaks some but with the wind water blew in from everywhere. I wore my cowboy hat so I could direct water off my knee and back funneling it to the floor. I suffered some water in a headlight connection and my suitcase on the running board gate I use for tools was soaked. Clouds parted and had a beautiful drive with thunderstorm heads in the landscape. Of course regrouped ourselves and ended up exploring an abandoned hotel that offered baths, not that I was ready for another. My flathead road partner had no issues of course. An adventure, but I really did enjoy it. It's part of driving you don't get to experience that often!

Last edited by KCTA Chris; 05-08-2019 at 04:21 PM.
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