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Old 09-02-2012, 07:09 PM   #29
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Bucks County, PA
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Default Re: marvel mystery oil

Originally Posted by HoarseWhisperer View Post
The Psychological Placebo

"You have to wonder, with the volume of evidence accumulating against oil additives, why so many of us still buy them. That's the million-dollar question, and it's just as difficult to answer as why so many of us smoke cigarettes, drink hard liquor or engage in any other number of questionable activities. We know they aren't good for us - but we go ahead and do them anyway.

Part of the answer may lie in what some psychiatrists call the psychological placebo effect. Simply put, that means that many of us hunger for that peace of mind that comes with believing we have purchased the absolute best or most protection we can possibly get.

Even better, there's that wonderfully smug feeling that comes with thinking we might be a step ahead of the pack, possessing knowledge of something just a bit better than everyone else.

Then again, perhaps it comes from an ancient, deep-seated need we all seem to have to believe in magic. There has never been any shortage of unscrupulous types ready to cash in on our willingness to believe that there's some magical mystery potion we can buy to help us lose weight, grow hair, attract the opposite sex or make our engines run longer and better. I doubt that there's a one of us who hasn't fallen for one of these at least once in our lifetimes. We just want it to be true so bad that we can't help ourselves."

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thanks for the free head session doc ::i feel better now
you convinced me to order a 55 gal drum of the stuff

Last edited by Mitch//pa; 09-02-2012 at 08:27 PM.
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