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Old 01-20-2017, 09:31 AM   #11
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Default Re: Computer Hack Warning

I do not avoid the use of tech or on line banking and have not used a stamp to pay a bill in years. I have taken the following precautions to minimize risk. I have never been hacked, although I have had a credit card number stolen and used. S it may be helpful, here are the precautions I take:

1. Never open attachments or respond to unsolicited offers.
2. Use a Mac (I know it doesn't eliminated the possibility of being hacked. But it does reduce the risk.)
3. Compartmentalize my use of credit cards by having separate one for each use. I have one for PayPal, one for amazon, one for other online purchases, and one for auto pay of utilities, etc. That way when one is compromised and needs to be cancelled (It has happened to my online purchase card.), none of the others are effected.

This could be extended to email by setting up separate account business, personal, model A correspondence, etc.

4. Use "One Password" to generate strong passwords that I don't have to remember.

5. Use "Carbon Copy Cloner" to automatically make one clone of my boot drive every morning, and a second clone once a week so that in the worst case that I am hacked, I can wipe the drive and revert to a "clean" copy. The second weekly copy is there in case I don't notice I have been hacked within a day, and the virus gets cloned, the weekly copy should be still be good.

I hope some find this helpful.

Last edited by pgerhardt; 01-20-2017 at 09:41 AM.
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