Thread: Schwalms
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Old 06-16-2019, 09:35 PM   #10
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Default Re: Schwalms

Some answering machines and even answering services don't function as hoped for. I had a concrete pumping service, Builder's Concrete Pumping. We hired an answering service and one day I called our business number just for kicks. "Good Morning, Builders Concrete Plumbing, how may I help you?" That was hardly the greeting I had hoped for and when I got the person to understand we weren't a plumbing service but a concrete pumping service business picked up. So perhaps Schwalms has some glitch. Could be any number of reasons. I check our messages fairly regularly and have been surprised that sometimes one shows up as a new message to me and the person had called a month before. Give Ora another chance to respond, might not be his fault the message never got to his ears. And we are getting older, I have the best of intentions to call sometimes and eventually remember that I haven't. Then I can't recall who I was going to call or even how to find their number.
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