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Old 10-30-2018, 01:58 PM   #60
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 934
Default Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I have been a MARC member for over 40 years. I do not recall at any time in the past when it was required for the membership to justify a no vote. I suspect it is a way to jam the changes through with little or no opposition. For the most part I wrote the constitution changes in 2006 and 2010. I suspect even if you justify your no vote and there is not a majority opposed to the exact same change it will pass and the BOD will not review any of the opposing views. I do not recall in the past any club or organization that I belonged to requiring justification for a no vote! Since this voting is done on a post card that does not get mailed to the BOD, how is the BOD going to track the no votes and link a no vote to the explanation? I suspect the BOD is not interested in the justification for the no votes and it is a way to suppress the voting.
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