Thread: Flathead smoke
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Old 02-15-2016, 04:31 PM   #30
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Default Re: Flathead smoke

Originally Posted by Joe Immler View Post
mofuzz, A very interesting post. I am wondering: what exactly happens to our catalytic converters using the non approved oil? How does stuff from the oil get into the fuel injection and exhaust system?

Joe, the additives that we as old timers like to see in our oil
don't burn on ignition.
They will sneak past the rings and plug up the converter.
No converter, no problem (shhh! don't tell Al Gore!)
I tend to believe it's mostly the phosphorus/ash.
-High Ash Oils.
I think Ash acts as a cushion on valve seats, a job that leaded gas used to help/do.

And leaded gas disappeared up here in Canada at the same time and for the same reason, -just as catalytic Converters were introduced because lead also accumulated and plugged up the converter.

Honestly, Leaded gas was more responsible for plugging the converter but the tiny bit of ash over 50,000 miles didn't help either so it had to go to.
That's why you can still buy old technology oil for diesels, no converters...

Now, with the new diesel technology, people are being forced to buy urea right about every time they do an oil change on their trucks.

We can Thank the tree huggers for
creating a market that
sees you pay about
$50 extra to fill the urea tank
about every time you change the oil
or you will
void your new A̶l̶ ̶G̶o̶r̶e̶ Chevrolly diesel warranty.


Last edited by moefuzz; 02-22-2016 at 01:46 AM.
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