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Old 09-13-2020, 05:32 AM   #27
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Default Re: Rust Oleum spray cans

I went through this a while ago. ( I saw that my problems started when they stated that their cans could spray when upside down. I had always simply inverted the can, sprayed a bit and the nozzle would be cleared. Now, if I invert a can, I can spray until next month and the paint keeps coming. I dissected one of the cans and found that they had replace the skinny little paint straw with a massive tube that would fill up with paint and all of that paint would keep coming out when I was trying to clear the nozzle. So, what I do now is keep two small bottles, one with about an inch of mineral spirits in it and capped, the other empty. When I'm finished painting what I want to, I pop off the cap, toss it into the mineral spirits, cap it and shake the day lights out of it. I then pour the spirits into the empty bottle and put the lid on that one and then retrieve the cap from the now empty bottle. If I have compressed air, I'll blow out the now clean nozzle and set it on top of the can being careful to not push too hard.

I tried a couple of cans of Krylon who tried the Rustoleum design. I left one of their nozzles in the mineral spirits and when I went to use that one, the little plug with the small orifice blew out of the nozzle and I got paint everywhere! I was upset to say the least. I tried using a used Rustoleum nozzle on the Krylon can but it wouldn't fit. I found out that if I drilled out one of the Rustoleum nozzles with a 5/32" drill, it worked out well.

What I do now, is I buy rattle can paint based on the nozzle design!
Don't never get rid of nuthin!
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