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Old 01-27-2013, 09:25 AM   #4
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Who Can Diagnose THIS Total Mystery? Win A Prize?

Well I would start by making it happen all over again and at the moment that the symptoms arise, do a little diagnostic work. First off, "just won't go" means different things to different folks but to me it means the engine stops running. At that point I would immediately (without touching/fiddling with anything else) remove the coil wire and hold it about ¼" away from a good ground source while someone cranks the engine over. The evidence of the jumping spark will tell a lot. During this same time I would feel the carburetor bowl and the fuel line for a temperature reading. If either is excessively hot, I would find the reason why.

Personally I suspect it to be electrical like a worn/loose wire inside the distributor. Ironically, when something like this comes into my shop, I first start checking for areas where "McGuyvering" has taken place followed closely thereafter by looking for reproduction parts. I have seen repro terminal box screws come loose and short out against the firewall, and I have seen poor quality wiring harnesses have loose terminal ends do exactly as you stated. I have never seen a situation that could not be solved when enough time & prudent thought were given towards the problem.


BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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