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Old 10-13-2015, 02:18 PM   #15
Bruce Lancaster
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Default Re: Joblot Automotive Going Out Of Business

In the early '70's when I was in seminary in NJ I would go in on the rare Saturdays when I had some money...they decided that I was a familiar face and let me come past the little counter and go digging in the warehouse. I could dig through a 55 gallon drum of Argentina distributor caps and pull out an NOS Ford one from the bottom, crawl up shelves like ladders and explore the almost forgotten parts in the dust on top, marvel at the rebuilt engines I couldn't afford, and nearly always I could find some neat NOS piece way beyond my shopping list of gaskets and tune up parts.
USA NOS parts were becoming too scarce to support the business, and Joblot's presumed armies of spies were roaming the earth buying up WWII era military stocks. There were TONS of Canadian military parts coming back from warehouses all over the empire, rows of Ford England Bren carrier engines (1937 Ford type), German labeled stuff from both German and Swiss army stocks, cool stuff by the trainload.
Very pleasant people, I knew James with his '49 Plymouth outside and the two owner guys. Best playground I ever had!
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