Thread: Model A CRASH??
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Old 05-24-2013, 01:44 PM   #55
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Default Re: Model A CRASH??

In 1953 my Uncle Walt show up at our house with three of his buddies in a Model A four door. I got to sit in that car with the pull down rear shade and mohair. That's when I fell in love with the Model A. That same night my uncle and friends were T-boned when a guy ran a red light in Lorain, Ohio. One was killed and the rest hurt badly. The death and the injures were caused by the wooden in the car. My uncle Walt had one of the top bow go through his cheek and out his neck. (just one of his injuries) To this day I do not have any seat belts in my A and never will. I want to be thrown out instead of kept in. And if you look at the pictures of the wrecks and think if the people in the car were kept inside would they survive or how badly they would be hurt. On all my other cars from the 50's to my new every day vehicles I faithfully use a seat belt.

Seat belts do save lives. But like I stated I will not put them in my A. Just How I feel.
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