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Old 08-26-2010, 11:39 AM   #14
Tim Ayers
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Default Re: Buy and sell parts

Originally Posted by oldandtired View Post
I frequently sell parts to hobbyists that tell me that they need the parts and are purchasing them for their personal use at a far lower price than I would normally sell the part for if I sold it at all. While the purchaser can state they paid the full asking price, they are ignoring the fact that we had a conversation about the intended use of the part before I sold it to them. It is a bit upsetting to give someone a very low price on a hard to find part that they claimed they needed to get their project together or back on the then see the part for sale by the purchaser at a significant markup.

I guess I missed the original post that your are referring to, but I would advise you not to sell at Hershey for if this type of thing upsets you'd freak out there.

For every 5 true hobbiest, there is that one snake in the grass. They give you some sob story about losing their job, wife, home, etc. and try to get to you give away a part to them.

Then as your walking around you stumble upon their spot and you notice the part you sold is now marked up 3X times what you sold it for.

When you ask them what's the deal, they all the sudden lose their memory too.

A lot of great folks out there, but every now and then you run into the kooks as well...
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