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Old 08-28-2012, 02:01 PM   #2
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Default Re: Where are the Model A concept cars?

Unfortunately I think most (all) of the 1927 and older Model A prototype vehicles were destroyed. I've read that the first 200 cars were produced for testing and promotional purposes. After that, it seems they were returned to Ford and either reworked or scrapped (it seems, eventually, mostly scrapped). This is/was pretty common practice as manufacturers do not want underdeveloped, untested, and unproven parts and cars in circulation. During the 1920's Ford did experiment with some concept engines, and I think some of those exist at the Henry Ford Museum. There are some later prototype Model A bodies out there, though. I know there is a town car and I've heard of a 1930 three-window coupe.

There has been some discussion on Model A production engine #1. I recall reading this was installed in a Tudor for testing, but later installed in a phaeton that was given to Thomas Edison. I recall that car now resides at the Henry Ford Museum. However, there is a lot of uncertainty in this "history" and folklore.

Don't take my work for it. Others may have better information.
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