Thread: My new T
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Old 03-11-2012, 08:46 PM   #54
[email protected]
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Default Re: My new T

You know, now that I think about it Will, I noticed the filth that can come out of your mouth is almost as bad as mine. Not quite but close. I guess you still affiliate yourself with the church. You know, The Church! Bwahahahahahaaaaaa

Shaun, if you've ever started an old Farmall Regular or F-20 you fully retard the spark, pull the throttle out a little bit then you bring the crank slowly around until just about the time the pawl is going to kick the magneto over. Then Bring just the crank around to somewhere close to 9:00 to 10:00 engage the crank into the front of the crankshaft then give it a good hard crank to about 2:00. You'll feel it let go. And if she's tuned right she'll fire up. Then advance the timing until the motor smooths out and slow the throttle down. Let her warm up a little, hook her up to 2 fourteens and get to work. Someone will bring some lunch out at about 1:30 and you'll drink fresh hole milk out of a mason jar and eat cheese sandwiches on homemade bread. If your running the picker and it's late enough in the fall there might be a chunk of ham in your sandwich. And there's always a couple cookies or a little cake. Then you lay back against the tire on the grass, pull your cap over your eyes and catch a little snooze. That is until the Old Man can't hear that damn Farmall running. Then you quickly check the water in the radiator start the tractor again and while it's starting to warm up a little pour some water into the radiator. Then get back to work before the old man gets out there to see whats wrong.

I bet you didn't realize starting a model t would take so much.
It's 110 miles to Chicago
We've got half a pack of cigarettes
It's dark
And we're wearing sunglasses
Let's go. is offline   Reply With Quote