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Old 12-06-2011, 01:53 PM   #30
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Dearborn, MI
Posts: 97
Smile Re: The Ford Bomber Plant

Thanks for the great video. It brings back many memories of my childhood. I, being born and raised (16) miles from Willow Run in the 30's and 40's recall a lot about the plant, the jobs it provided and even the people that worked there. Obviously, there was a lot of patriotism in the workers and our community surrounding Willow Run years. Yes, we heard stories of "things gone wrong" but, any operation as complexed as building a bomber as big as the Lib and as fast as (1) per hour,there's bound to be some 'awe sh-ts". Remember, we have "recalls" even today. But during the duration of production, the only thing talked about at the local gas station was occasionaly engine failure where the crew had to sit the 24 down on the expressway (I-94) and tow it back to the plant. No injuries, just local eecitement! The employees and crews were finominal as they were at their best 24/7. My father-in-law, supervisor on wing assembly, told the stories of dedicated workers working as much as they wanted, going to there cars for a short nap and retuning back to work for another shift. I'm not sure with all the union and plant regulations today, that would happen. Ford preformed a gigantic feat and contribution to WWII efforts and it should be recognized in a positive manner until the end of time. Sorry for the lenthy response to the thread but, I could go on and on. My favorite WWII aircraft!
Dearborn Hts., MI
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