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Old 12-05-2011, 09:36 PM   #14
Henry Floored
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Default Re: The Ford Bomber Plant

Originally Posted by ford38v8 View Post
The video was the product of the war effort, as the bomber itself was. As such, it didn't reveal the problems encountered in the Willow Run plant, how very long it took to get the production up (nicknamed "Will it Run"), the ratio of "Lemons" to airworthy planes nor the number of planes that literally fell out of the sky before reaching enemy territory (nickname "Flying Coffin"). The video and the Ford produced B24 were more valuable as propaganda than they were to actual fighting machines. The problems were limited to the Ford produced Liberater. Ford thought the plane could be mass produced as an automobile would be, and was wrong. The plane was developed and produced by Consolidated in San Diego and Fort Worth. Douglas produced planes in Tulsa, and North American Aviation built them in Dallas utilizing Ford sub assemblies from Willow Run. Willow run produced almost half the total production, but unfortunately most with major problems. No Ford produced B24 survives today.
The B24 was nicknamed the "Flying Boxcar" because of the shape of the fuselage. I'd like to see you back up your statements with reference and then for comparison show us the production records of the other companies. Boeing is about 3 or 4 years late with the new 787 Dreamliner due to difficulties. They are not producing those planes to win a war effort. Even the best of `em have problems.
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