Thread: Paint Sanding
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Old 08-02-2011, 05:41 PM   #17
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Paint Sanding

Originally Posted by PetesPonies View Post
No, wet 320 is not the same as 400. For a final sanding use 400 wet or 600 wet. I use 600 when spray metallics and 400 for solid colors. Wet sanding helps you clean the vehicle as you a preparing it. It keeps the paper clean and you get more done.
Hey Pete, for what it's worth, I am not so sure that I totally agree with those statements as much as I kinda think it is a personal preference. I am/we are of the opinion that water sanding makes just as much of a mess and often times will allow the residue to be carried down into a seam or hidden area and when the water dries, it causes the sanding residue to stick in those places seemingly to come back and haunt you during top finish coat. Again, it is a personal preference but we dry sand everything and then use the high-pressure water side of our steam cleaner to wash out the hidden debris after blowing out with a powerful air nozzle. Then a final static blow down inside the booth with the fans running will generally dislodge most of the last debris/trash.

The other downside to wetsanding is that we can use any length of blocking paper (i.e.: 18"+) when we block dry, ...and you are limited to about 11" in wet paper. That means we are covering 1½ times the surface per stroke as what you are. We dry sand everything to 500 grit and then spray Wax & Grease Remover to check for final imperfections.


BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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