Thread: Backfire
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Old 02-15-2024, 06:09 PM   #7
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Default Re: Backfire

I had a similar problem with a club members car and it turned out to be a combination of things but primarily it was the coil, after it got warm it got very very weak. I have had a lot of people tell me that a coil works or it doesn’t. Well that ain’t true. Another problem I experienced was that over a bit of distance (say, maybe, a half mile or so LoL) the float bowl level would drop to the point that the engine wouldn’t die it would just spit and backfire (thereby using less fuel and keeping just enough fuel for the engine to continue to run). I’m sure that you know all the places to look for restrictions in the fuel line (disconnect the fuel one at the carb and open the valve (with a can under it of course) at let the fuel run out for some time. If it does that ok then check the carb inlet screen). It might help to confirm what carb you have. I assume a Zenith but about 1/3rd of the As I see have a Tillotson (and a few Marvels).
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