Thread: Rat Patrol
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Old 12-19-2023, 04:46 PM   #6
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Default Re: Rat Patrol

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I've seen exhaust gasses used in a couple of similar ways.
The first was to gas rabbits in their warrens. We'd walk around a big warren plugging up as many holes as we could find, then use the exhaust from the oldest, smokiest engine we could find to gas them. Adding some oil to the fuel was a standard trick. To add interest to the job, we'd stand back with a 12 gauge under our arm waiting for those rabbits that found a hole we missed.
The other was to gas Myna birds. This annoying invasive species is very smart but easily falls for a well made trap. Once there are several birds in the trap, they are euthanised but if other Mynas see what is happening to their fellow pests, you won't catch another. The best way to destroy them is to cover the trap and in darkness, gas them with a car exhaust and dispose of the dead ones before light comes. Mynas are often referred to here as "Rats of the sky."
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Last edited by Synchro909; 12-20-2023 at 04:11 PM.
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