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Old 09-13-2023, 06:09 AM   #6
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Default Re: Zenith Needle/Seat

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Here's the simple answer ................... There's NO SIMPLE ANSWER to this! There are 3 different type float valves available 1. original style, 2. Viton tipped, 3. Double ball. Within these three categories there may be more than one manufacturer. There are differences in the floats .............. 1. Original style manufactured by Zenith 2. Original style manufactured by Holley. 3. New foreign made reproduction. 4. New USA Made reproduction (Again multiple manufacturers of the reproduction units)

As Jim cannon suggests, you start with the gasket provided with the valve and add to it, with gaskets of different thicknesses, until you achieve the desired height. Re-read Jim's answer, above, to get the suggested measurement of the correct height.

As with many of these type operations, it helps if you can slow down your thoughts and execution of the process. Looking for the quick, easy, perfect answer to the puzzle doesn't always translate well while working on 90 year old cars. And, as with many of these type operations, you may need to perform the job more than once to get to the desired solution. If it doesn't work the first time, go at it again. If it still doesn't work .............. walk away from it, ask more questions, approach it one more time. You'll get there.

Good luck.
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