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Old 02-18-2023, 02:11 PM   #23
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Default Re: Veteran buying a 31 Victoria on credit

Originally Posted by History View Post
I have a cousin who is paralyzed from the waist down and there is very little he can’t do, he’s actually worked ever since the accident. The stuff he can do without asking for help makes you want to take a club to some of the able bodied pajama walkers I see regularly. I can promise if he had one leg that worked he could drive a model A easily. I bet as mentioned earlier he used the hand throttle and other leg.
Wow that is cool! I have a lot of respect for people that can do that, overcome obstacles like that.

Able bodied pajama walkers Love that!!

We had a WWII vet here in town. US Army. Horribly wounded in the Phillipines almost died. He was missing a leg, part of one hand, and had an eye that got blown out. There was NOTHING that guy couldn't do, he worked at John Deere Plow Planter Wks. and was a real horse lover rode them for years. He would get offended by people trying to help him he would politely say 'Thanks but no thanks I'm fine.'

He was tough as nails, most of those guys were. Jim never wanted any pity. He told me 'I know of a lot of guys that wound up a whole lot worse than me. ' He even built a new house in the mid 1950's!! Don't ask me how but he did it!
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