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Old 11-30-2022, 04:27 PM   #41
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Default Re: New Engine QA and Paul Shinn's Concerns

Originally Posted by Fhane View Post
We have beat the “bad” vender to death on this and other forums.

Now the Burtz engine comes into production after years of design, testing and money spent. It has been road tested, assembled by experts and novices alike. I have heard nothing but praise for the engine except for the crank run out by the reporter.

Now the reporter comes along, observes run out on the crank and claims it is unacceptable. The builder and the reporter agree on a third party to investigate. Third party says engine is in spec. Reporter will not respond. Some of the forum contributors want the subject dropped.

Will we ever find out from the reporter what really happened?

Will we miss the Burtz engine if the builder gets disgusted and quits building the engines?

Don’t you guys want to get to the bottom of this? I do.

If the reporter can’t respond maybe he is not a reporter but rather a pot stirrer.
Given the subtle hostility that this post demonstrates, I don't find it at all surprising that Mr. Shinn does not wish to post the results here. Over the course of the last several months this subject has gone from an apparently legitimate question of quality control to attacks on the individuals involved.

I did not see the initial video showing Mr. Shinn's concerns so I cannot comment on it. Whether that was the proper forum or not to raise the question is not under discussion. Regardless of that, a path forward involving a third party inspector was agreed upon by John Lampl (representing the manufacturer) and Mr. Shinn, it was followed, and the results made known here by Mr. Lampl (and I thank you for that). We all can draw our own conclusions.

But to describe Paul Shinn as "pot stirrer" is out of line both on the face of it and as a discussion item. Mr. Shinn has been the President of his local MAFCA chapter, President of the Northern California Regional Group of MAFCA, and continues to produce videos helpful to Model A buffs everywhere. I cannot think of anyone who is more dedicated to the Model A hobby, especially as to how we engage the next generation, than he is. I don't know him personally but I've heard him speak on several occasions, and he seems in person just like his videos portray him - a genuinely nice guy.

If you want to discuss the issue (quality of the Burtz engine), fine. But let's knock off making it personal. That demeans everyone and makes this forum sound like Twitter.

My $0.02 as a grumpy old man.

San Francisco Bay Area

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1931 Briggs S/W Town Sedan

Last edited by JayJay; 11-30-2022 at 04:37 PM.
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