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Old 09-12-2021, 08:45 AM   #6
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Default Re: Size Press To Swedge Wheel Studs?

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There is some excellent information in the article that kbinde2 referenced. For those who do not get that magazine, the article showed a technique for annealing the portion of the studs that gets swedged. The bolts are grade 8 which is too hard to swedge properly. There is a chance of warping or cracking the brake drums. The annealing reduced the area that is swedged to grade 2 but the rest of the bolt remains at grade 8. In my opinion, everyone should do this on reproduction bolts, especially the companies who are making them. They used a turntable (old record player) and heated the swedged area with a torch until dull red and then let them slowly cool. The author said not to heat too much or the bolt would get too soft in the swedged area.
A is for apple, green as the sky.
Step on the gas, for tomorrow I die.
Forget the brakes, they really don't work.
The clutch always sticks, and starts with a jerk.
My car grows red hair, and flies through the air.
Driving's a blast, a blast from the past.
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