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Old 07-31-2021, 10:55 AM   #1099
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

This is a story from three years ago which is still pertinent to some at times. It could be useful to you too.


CASA is our Civil Aviation and Safety Authority. It is deception that they be called safety authority because their pilots have had nearly as many crashes as I have had hot breakfasts. Many had come from the military and they were impractical and authoritive. At 73 and retired I can bag CASA without fear of reprisal from any nasty little upstart.

Bill Scott was a CASA ag pilot examiner and an ex-military man. I must commend him because he never had crashed an aeroplane. Not a popular fellow in our industry however I got along with him well. He was man enough that one could speak bluntly with him. Bill gave me a piece of information that turned out useful and I enjoy passing it onto others.

Public servants and bureaucrats may write and demand explanations. They are expecting a reply in writing and if you respond they’ve gotcha. What they can’t deal with is those who don’t reply says Bill.

I received a letter from a high-ranking authority. A powerful government department . They enquired as to which contractors erected a substantial building on my property. I didn’t answer. My accountant said I wouldn’t get away with it. Well they wrote a second, a third, a forth, a fifth and a sixth and then they went away. They didn’t bother me anymore.

Another pilot I know received a letter from a lowly government official demanding an explanation. At my advice (originating from Bill) I advised him not to respond. He didn’t. Following yet another demand he received a phone call asking him to respond. He said he had no intention of writing but invited the bureaucrat to come and talk to him. Of course the bureaucrat didn’t and the whole matter faded into the thin air.

Good advice. Thankyou Bill.
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