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Old 03-28-2021, 07:25 PM   #34
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Default Re: Comprehesive howto for brakes?

Originally Posted by nkaminar View Post
Others will chime in and help. Here is my input.

Ford adjusted the lengths of the rods at the factory and advised in the service bulletins that they were not to be changed in length by the dealer or owner. If needed they could be adjusted to a specific length by then not touched again. This is contrary to a lot of instructions found on the web and other places. All brake adjustments were to be made by the brake adjusters.
Assuming your Model A is 100% factory fresh original, then that is correct. However, as others have pointed out, if any one component or more in the brake system has any wear (like the actuators for example), then you can either replace them, or adjust the rods to compensate.

The video I made on brakes was done on a car with a recently replaced brake system. Since every component was replaced, mostly using reproduction parts, brake rods must be adjusted to equalize the braking force to each wheel.

As mentioned in the video, once the rods are set, you do not touch them again until another component in the system is replaced. Brake pad wear is adjusted out solely with the adjusters.

Let the "experts" say what they want. It's your car and your safety.
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