Thread: Nitrocellulose
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Old 01-02-2021, 03:14 PM   #8
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Default Re: Nitrocellulose

Originally Posted by BRENT in 10-uh-C View Post
A Jim said, better chance of going with Acrylic Lacquer. CP Global is another option for acrylic.

The government really did not have anything to do with it. Anyone can shoot Lacquer paint up to 50 gallons annually without a certificate. I can purchase and use up to 250 gallons of Lacquer products (-i.e.: thinners, top coats) annually. Matter of fact, some cheaper brand aerosol spray cans found in big-box stores have Lacquer as their contents.

The real reason why most Jobbers don't want to mess with carrying Lacquer is because the toners will go back and dry in the can while it is setting on the shelf waiting to be used again on the next formula. Imagine having a gallon of toner that weighs nearly 4000 grams, and to mix a gallon Brewster calls for 60 grams of Strong Yellow and 110 grams of Oxide Red with the rest made up of more popular bases. Imagine a paint jobber using 5%-10% of a full gallon toner color over a 3-4 year span ...only then they find it has hardened so it must be discarded. Not a very good ROI for them.
I always wondered about this, was told no more lacquer but I still see gallon cans of thinner at the hardware store. Retired now but in the past I sprayed a lot of acrylic lacquer.
Thanks for the explanation.
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