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Old 04-02-2020, 10:24 PM   #12
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Default Re: 35 Three Window Coupe Proportions

I don't want to be contentious here, but since we are talking about the styling of a '35 Ford 3-window coupe, I have an opinion that I would like to be given some consideration, I will preface this by saying that I think "PeterC"'s coupe to be one of the most impressive examples of this make and model I have ever seen. Everything is done correctly, and if it were mine, I would be extremely happy and very smug with owning it.

That being said, I have always considered the '36 Ford to be a superior style when compared with a '35. In my opinion, the stand-up "radiator" grille and wire wheels of a '35 Ford clash with the overall streamlined Art-Deco styling of the rest of the car, especially in the 3-window coupe. The rounded grille that is not a reflection of the radiator but stands on it's own and the artillery wheels with there larger hubcaps just seem to me to be more in step with the overall design of the car.

Again, this is no no way a reflection on any individual vehicle, but just a general observation about the overall integration of the entire concept of the design.
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