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Old 03-03-2020, 09:49 PM   #18
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Default Re: Dealing with the heirs on '32 parts ect.

Originally Posted by Bored&Stroked View Post
Want to bring additional perspective: I believe there is a responsibility on the original owners part to do his/her best to either inform their beneficiaries of what they have, estimated value, how/where best to sell it, etc.. - or better yet, deal with it themselves while they are able!

To leave a bunch of our stuff to folks who know nothing about it - doesn't really make any logical sense. Truth be told, I ponder this very thing with my family. I am the only one who truly loves these cars, the numerous rare/vintage parts I have, etc.. None of them will ever do anything with anything that I have - including running/driving and valuable cars. If I truly want to "leave them something" - I think it is very wise to try to sell, donate, gift (whatever makes you happy) my stuff to those who do care and in hopefully some cases honor the work, time and effort I put into them - and sell the rest. Only I can make those decisions well - while I'm of able mind to do so.

To think my heirs/family are going to deal with ANY of my cars/pats well . . . I think that would be naïve and also a bit thoughtless on my part. I and they would be far better off if I sold as much as possible before I croaked or became infirm - and just GAVE them the money.

Lastly, I think it is a bit much to expect my heirs (who know little about any of this) to sort through all my crap, under the despair of trying to settle an estate and do justice in organizing, valuing and selling any of it. It is not really fair of me to expect them too - or ignore my situation and kick the can down the estate road. To do so, would invite a complete disaster - not only for them, but for the cars/parts we all cherish.

Hopefully I heed my own advice and get my "house in order" before the Big Guy calls me home! LOL
I agree 100% and have made up a list of all the goodies that I’ve acquired over the years and have assigned each a fair market value that another hobbyist could live with. If nothing else that provides a frame of reference for my heirs in future negotiations.
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