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Old 12-05-2019, 08:48 PM   #56
Join Date: May 2010
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Default Re: Early V8 Dyno Work

Originally Posted by frnkeore View Post
Pete, I hate to disagree with you and maybe I should have said EMC type of testing.

Race cars work in a limited rpm range, usually 1500 to 2500 rpm. Are you trying to tell me a engine that has a high peak HP number is going to beat a engine that has a higher average HP, within that rpm range?

What I'm always interested in is HP per CI and average HP in the range that I have to work in. Average HP, has a lot more to do with cam selection.

Chassis set up can be much more important than HP. In drag racing, it takes a huge amount of extra HP to beat a car, if you can't get it hooked up and loose even a 1/2 sec off the line. It also takes a huge amount of extra HP to catch a car on the straight, if you come off the corner 10 mph slower. You can't compare those engines and the one with the higher HP ain't going to come in #1.
Whatever you say.
I am not giving out customer information for the sake of a stupid internet discussion.
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