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Old 09-22-2019, 12:18 PM   #28
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Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Southwest Michigan
Posts: 113
Default Re: Interesting Comments about you Ride

I am 58 and I have a black 1930 Tudor with whitewalls....It looks kind of gangster...

I use mine as a daily driver, so I get lots of questions.....
1. How old were you when that car was made?? (I was born in 1960)
2. What do those handles on the inside of the door do? (Window cranks)
3. What kind of radio did those come with?
4. Where do you get fuel for something like this?
5. How fast does it go?
6. Manual, you know how to drive a stick shift?
7. Did you build that from a kit?
8. That probably rides smoother than new cars.
9. Can you still get parts for that?
10. Can you blow the horn?
11. Can I take a picture?
12. How often do you show it. (Never...bought it to drive)
13. Is that a Cadillac ??
14. When people see it at my office they ask.."How did it get here?" (I drove it)
15. How would you get it home after dark?? (See those nice headlights)
16. Is this like the Bonnie and Clyde car?
17. Where did you get it?
18. Did you restore it yourself?
19. Can I see the interior and/or engine.
20. How much did it cost or how much is it worth....

Like I said...I never show it, but I drive it a lot so lots of people come up to me asking lots of questions about the car....I know I will think of 20 more as soon as I post this.
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