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Old 09-22-2018, 05:22 PM   #13
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Default Re: How rare is an "August" spare tire cover for 1936 ?

Originally Posted by DavidG View Post

With respect, whomever told you that those numbers in your attachment are chassis numbers has badly misled you.

What they are, in fact, are the numbers of the engine/transmission assemblies manufactured during the time period listed. No record exists of when those engine/transmission assemblies were installed in chassis. With only one engine manufacturing source in the U.S. and assembly plants from coast to coast, likely the very earliest a newly-manufactured engine/transmission assembly would be installed in a chassis would be at least two weeks later and more likely three or more weeks (recalling that the assembly plants already had a engine/transmission inventory on hand several months after '36 model Job #1 in the case of December, 1935 and that the engine/transmission assemblies were shipped by rail).

Dave, I was thinking as you were. From my research, the same was true in 1940. Lord knows I've tried and tried to tie all sorts of records together so as to better date a car's manufacture date.
It'll take a better man than me as I got nowhere in that endeavor. Better or simply a much more colorful imagination...
"I can explain it for you. However, I can't understand it for you".
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