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Old 09-22-2018, 02:55 PM   #12
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Default Re: How rare is an "August" spare tire cover for 1936 ?


With respect, whomever told you that those numbers in your attachment are chassis numbers has badly misled you.

What they are, in fact, are the numbers of the engine/transmission assemblies manufactured during the time period listed. No record exists of when those engine/transmission assemblies were installed in chassis. With only one engine manufacturing source in the U.S. and assembly plants from coast to coast, likely the very earliest a newly-manufactured engine/transmission assembly would be installed in a chassis would be at least two weeks later and more likely three or more weeks (recalling that the assembly plants already had a engine/transmission inventory on hand several months after '36 model Job #1 in the case of December, 1935 and that the engine/transmission assemblies were shipped by rail).

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