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Old 09-03-2018, 12:12 AM   #53
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 44
Default Re: 8BA Flathead overheating on highway

Originally Posted by Tinker View Post
Looks like you have a plan and following it by checking everything. It does make it easier to isolate (fine tune) the issue with one change at a time, but it seems you are getting closer and understand mechanics, hence having a good grip on what's going on. Keep at it!
I'd have preferred to do some test drives after each change so that I can pinpoint exactly which changes have which effect, but the weather was not in agreement and I wanted to make the weekend show, so I threw a little bit of everything at it all at once.

A lot of things were simply exploratory and tying up loose ends -- such as lowering the fuel pressure slightly, new plugs, carb rebuild, and etc. I didn't suspect one of those particular things would suddenly solve the mystery, but I figured I'd address issues with each while I was doing everything else.

Originally Posted by Tinker View Post
Gauges correct . I'd still look at your ignition if you need it cooler (since this is fair from stock, maybe a weird fan/radiator issue). But maybe not. just armchair quarterbacking it.
Yeah, I'll be planning to ditch the original loadamatic as soon as I can -- it just doesn't seem to behave well at all with my Edelbrock 94.

With fall fast approaching, I'll likely park it for the remainder of the year and start delving into some of the more time consuming projects I had planned, which should hopefully will reveal some more background as to what's causing the creeping.
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