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Old 04-10-2018, 11:07 AM   #68
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Default Re: Is it a bad time to sell?

Originally Posted by wingski View Post
I guess I’m having trouble understanding where a lot of you are coming from. If there is something on a car that I don’t like I remove it. All the crap that you think I should remove came with the car. Sure, I can take it all off and put it in a box somewhere, but then I’ll just have a box of stuff. I’ve already removed the Sun tach, and it was simple to do. I pulled off those dual carbs and Vortex manifold and put the original manifold back on. I have the Zenith 2 carb, but I prefer the Marvel carb.

I thought that people bought model A’s to work on and have fun with. To me it makes no sense to buy something like my cabriolet and not have to do things to it. If the car was perfect, there wouldn’t be anything to do to it other than maintenance. That’s not for me

Since I’ve been a member of the Ford Barn, I’ve met some really nice people and consider some of them to be friends. However, I think it’s time for me to say farewell to the forum. The amount of negativity has really turned me off.

I hope I haven’t ever come across as a negative person because I most definitely am not one.

That’s it for Wingski,


Please stick around.

You did ask for opinions and some of these guys are not shy about what they think.
Don't let it be an issue.

Good luck with the car.
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