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Old 02-06-2011, 12:55 PM   #10
just plain bill
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Default Re: How about a Speedster Picture Thread?

I read "The Ford Barn"> General Discussion> Model A 1928-31. The only limits I see is that the subject is to be the Model A ford and I would assume that to include all of its variations. There are people with what they call "High point cars", " Restored," "Daily drivers," "Beaters," and so on and so forth. Speedster is a term not used back in the day (when was that?) We had "puddle jumpers" "dune buggy's" We had "cut down" cars sometimes made of surplus parts, just something to drive down the dirt roads and alley's of that time. Maybe just roar around the barn until parents,neighbors and others complained of dust and noise. Then in the late 20 Th. century came a new form of stripped (cut) down "A"'s called "Speedster's" (Not really well known until the advent of the S O S S) These cars were/are painted and for the most part finished well. It is a form of expression of how some enjoy the look and feel of racing with out all of the expense but the cars are usually finished and well maintained. I remember when I came home after my Army service in the mid 50's and took the body off of the roadster pick up I now own to clean and paint the frame. not to restore just to clean it up. Well, I rigged a gas tank on it and had a "cannery" box for a seat and away I went, what a thrill, driving on a freshly graded dirt road. Dump the clutch in second and hang on to the steering wheel with a "white knuckle" grip sitting on that box. Just me, the frame, running gear and engine. I guess I' m trying to say I feel there is room for all if it applies to "A"'s If I want to discuss strictly 4 banger hot rods I go to the HAMB but I feel that is different than the individual inquiring here as to the possibility and/or the advisability of attempting to increasing power and roadability of their "A"'s. Damn, I'm getting old and I guess it shows.
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