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Old 06-14-2017, 08:01 AM   #26
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: ~ Who owns the highest VIN number 1932 built Model A Ford?

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I am going to add a couple of comments to this...

First, there is often a misconception that Ford "used up" remaining parts. The issue with that mindset is that every component which was ever manufactured was planned for. For example, if Mr. Langley was over the foundry, and Mr. Plucker was over the Machine Shop, Jim didn't just come in one morning and randomly say "Boys lets make 2,000 spindles today." A work order was given to him on exactly what he was to manufacture, how many, and down to the seconds on the length of time. Old Steve in the Machine Shop was scheduled too, and he didn't just choose the items he wanted to work on that day. Info also shows that Ford force-fed his Agencies with product, and therefore management knew exactly what they were going to build and what was to be service replacement items and what was to be vehicles.

The reason for the assembly line halt was due to production target dates had to be met, and the lines needed to be tooled and changed-out. The Model B & 18 was much more complex of a vehicle than the A. While the Judging Standards are extensive, a book showing the 'inside complexities' of how Ford scheduled and fulfilled the peripheral support to actually manufacture the A would be beyond mind-boggling. And to think it was all performed without computers!

I agree with the calling-out on opinions vs. facts. 'Purists' often get dissed for wasting their time worrying over items that seem trivial to others however the Corvette and the Model-A are the two most documented vehicles on the planet. This did not happen solely based on speculation or opinion. I have been around this hobby for over 50 years now, and one of the biggest issues that likely plagues this hobby is the hobbyists that use hearsay and their speculation to educate others.


BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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