Thread: Rear Fenders?
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Old 03-18-2016, 10:11 AM   #13
Karl Wescott
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Default Re: Rear Fenders?

There are a lot of possibilities here.

The change from one style bolt flange to another would not likely have happened all at once, likely there was a transition period where it was mix and match with cars getting either design, or both, at random.

There were aftermarket fenders available in the 1930's, and like today's reproductions some were good, some OK, and some ***censored***.

Body shops back in the early days were trained to repair rather than replace, and often the "cheap" shops did not get things right and would modify everything to fit to each other though it would not fit to anything original. (The "bad" fender may be shaped to fit a "bad" body.)

If there are too many things "not correct" you might consider that car going to someone else to enjoy as a touring class and spending the effort to find a more correct car that you can enjoy restoring to your standards.
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