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Old 12-23-2015, 02:09 PM   #98
Rene R
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Default Re: Not much demand for Model As at any price or is it antique cars in general?

Originally Posted by 2manycars View Post
I would not go on the highways like I used to when people drove slower and watched where they were going.
This brings up something else I've noted over the years. Aside from today's cars having much more acceleration and speed than those of the 70s, when I was driving my A on the freeway, we are also dealing with a vastly increased number of drivers who are distracted and not watching what they're doing. A lot of people are overconfident with the safety of their high-tech new cars and take risks they might not have done 40 years ago.

The other thing about driving a distinctive antique car today is that I find myself running into two sorts of people. First are the ones who see any old car and become aggressive, making damn well sure that they won't get stuck behind some geezer in a slow jalopy. I've had some scary close calls with people passing dangerously and cutting me off to get around me. On the opposite extreme there are the people who absolutely love the car, to the point of not watching the road because they are staring so intently at my car. That's almost as scary as the first scenario. I'm glad (some) people appreciate old cars but it makes me nervous seeing the guy ahead of me intent on his rear-view mirror rather than his windshield.

That said, I am guilty of the same distraction whenever I see any cool antique car on the roads today. It's hard not to get excited by such a rare sighting.
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