Thread: Secret Tips
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Old 07-19-2015, 02:13 PM   #13
H. L. Chauvin
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Default Re: Secret Tips

Vintage Hi-Tech Inexpensive Tap Water Engine Tip for Poor Folks:

A. Used mostly by the poorest of the poor years ago by Model A owners after buying a dilapidated Model A that had worn rings, plugs fowled with excess soot; very little engine power because valves were starving for fuel caused by the combustion chamber carbon build up around valves; and last but not least, one experienced extreme exhaust smoke while driving that could kill swarms of mosquitoes in the back forty acres clear across the one (1) mile wide Mississippi River.

B. By now, most have seen Forum photos of tops of pistons and the tops of Model A engine blocks that "shined" like "new"; and were immaculate and spotless where an adjacent segment of the head gasket was blown and this one (1) particular combustion chamber had been "steam cleaned" with the introduction of small amounts of radiator water.

C. If one is ever in a situation where a worn Model A engine idled for far too long, (like maybe in a Parade), or the former owner left his worn engine idle for too long; or a former owner drove very slowly with a worn engine for long periods of time; one can experience increased plug fowling and excessive carbon build up, and loss of engine power.

D. Get a bottle with a spray device, (similar to a "cleaned" Windex bottle), and spray a little water at a time into the intake of the carburetor while the engine is running at a fast idle to steam clean soot and carbon from all four (4) plugs and around valves in the all four (4) combustion chambers.

E. Afterwards, scientifically remove a few plugs with a delicate spark plug instrument, diagnostically look inside the combustion chamber with a hi-tech surgical flashlight to check this sanitizing endeavor -- many poor people did this because they could not afford piston rings and/or new plugs -- please don't ask me where I learned this hi-tech Secret.
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