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RcT 11-03-2011 04:30 PM

How hard do you drive your A?

I have been on this site for about six months and have noticed differences in driving methods to bring me around to this: I pretty much drive my car by the instructions written in the original owners manual, pertaining to speeds when one should shift, and I tend to cruise around a typical turn and gently continue on in third gear, easy on the gas, and careful not to lug the engine. I have read that others downshift to second , wind it up, then shift.

If I hear no strain on the engine, am I doing harm to the engine in any way? I'm just curious what others do and want to avoid damaging anything. I would think my easy driving would be better for the long run, but then sometimes I think I may not be splashing enough oil around the engine. How hard do you folks drive your A's?

Thanks, Richard

Patrick L. 11-03-2011 04:49 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

It sounds as though you can 'feel' what the car is doing,, thats great and how[I think] it should be driven.. I'm in the 'easy' camp.. I don't like to run them hard.. It seems to me that you're splashing around more than enough oil..
Some will disagree..

flatheadz-forever 11-03-2011 05:17 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

its a 40hp car or truck you shouldnt be driving it hard. Its about the ride not like how fast the ride is in a model a ....

TerryH 11-03-2011 05:24 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I know a Model A can be driven around corners in 3rd gear, but I sure don't. First of all, I don't like to go that fast around a corner most of the time, and second, downshifting to 2nd at 10-15 mph isn't really winding it up much.....I sure wouldn't call it driving the car "hard". Not sure if Marco will chime in here, but in the past he has mentioned that he does not go around corners in 3rd either. Unless you are very careful, I would tend to think going that slow in 3rd would be lugging it some..........

Fred K-OR 11-03-2011 05:41 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

All these comments sound good to me. But sometimes it is kind of "fun" to see if the old thing might do 50-but don't do that much because I just don't trust brakes, wheels, steering, etc... and the old guy behind the wheel!

milo 11-03-2011 06:00 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

Pretty HARD.....

Paul from Maine 11-03-2011 06:06 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I just got back from exercising My '29 Town Sedan with a rebuilt motor in it that only has about eight hundred miles on it. On the straightaways, I'll do about 52 mph max. It feels like it would go a lot faster, but I don't want to push it. I have plenty of throttle left to open at 52 mph, I bet it would do over 60 easily, but why put unnecessary wear and tear on a fresh motor. My brakes are good, tires excellent and steering very good, so I've been thinking of buying an overdrive so I could safely cruise on the Maine Turnpike at 60 without undo stress on the motor. We'll see what I get for an income tax refund later this winter...last year's refund paid for the rebuild.

marty in Ohio 11-03-2011 06:09 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I drive my '30 like I would drive any other car. When I corner I downshift if I'm going slow enough. Just double clutch it. These cars were not built for speed and I take care of the gentle old machine, but in 80 years, I think they have been around the block. Someone at a cruise-in a couple weeks ago asked me if I ever took the car out in the rain. I told him, for Gods sakes it 80 years old, I think it's been wet!!

Pete 11-03-2011 06:19 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I drive the car pretty hard but this past summer I put the engine in another car and drove it 153 mph at Bonneville.

rossofozini 11-03-2011 06:36 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?


Originally Posted by Pete (Post 300339)
I drive the car pretty hard but this past summer I put the engine in another car and drove it 153 mph at Bonneville.


Fred 11-03-2011 07:10 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

DRIVE IT LIKE "YOU STOLE IT" Just like I did when I drove my 1928 Special/Coupe from San Diego Calif. to R.I. in 1965, just back from with 66,000 orig.miles.. Used 1qt oil & a head light bulb in St.Louis.. 55 to 60 mph all the way.. P.S still have it..

Logan 11-03-2011 07:38 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I drive them hard, two weekends ago i drove 140 miles plus a gas/bathroom stop in 2 hours 20 minutes. If your car is put together correctly (solid running gear, GOOD brakes, good tires) you can drive it as hard as you want. My engine and tranny haven't been takin apart in almost 20 years, and the rear end has an untold amount of miles on it so this goes to prove the model a can handle just about anything you throw at it. As far as cornering and down shifting, i drive it like i drive a normal car.

Elcastor 11-03-2011 07:53 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I think I am pretty easy on my car. I do not try to see how fast it will go for any length of time, and I try to stay off the main highway as much as possible so I am not slowing down the "normal" traffic. With the standard gears in the transmission and rear end I do not expect to be doing much over 45 mph tops.

Most of my driving is on dirt roads (with wash boards) or on the very few paved roads in the small town in this area. The paved roads all have speed bumps (also known as sleeping policemen) so traffic can not go fast even if it wanted to. Other than the main highway, which I tend to stay off of, there is just no need to go fast. I think it is just perfect for Model A's!

BILL WILLIAMSON 11-03-2011 08:49 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 300393)
I drive them hard, two weekends ago i drove 140 miles plus a gas/bathroom stop in 2 hours 20 minutes. If your car is put together correctly (solid running gear, GOOD brakes, good tires) you can drive it as hard as you want. My engine and tranny haven't been takin apart in almost 20 years, and the rear end has an untold amount of miles on it so this goes to prove the model a can handle just about anything you throw at it. As far as cornering and down shifting, i drive it like i drive a normal car.

I like a guy that drives a Model A the way they were intended to be driven, as these cars are no fragile pussy-cats and are NOT a Yugo!!!
How I drive my "A," ahh, let me count the ways. Once I get wound into the pilot seat with my full leg braces, watch out, here I come, no speedo watching, just doing whatever the traffic deems necessary. I WILL NEVER get a ticket for holding up traffic. I'm a downshift artist, and below 20 M.P.H. I'm back in second which is a help in quick traffic stops. I only have 2 rules, # 1. don't try to run with freeway traffic, # 2. leave extra room in front of me for those unexpected stops. I violated #2 once only and dented "MINERVA'S" L/F fender. ( OUCH! ) :mad::mad:

Logan 11-03-2011 09:01 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?


Originally Posted by BILL WILLIAMSON (Post 300435)
I like a guy that drives a Model A the way they were intended to be driven, as these cars are no fragile pussy-cats and are NOT a Yugo!!!
How I drive my "A," ahh, let me count the ways. Once I get wound into the pilot seat with my full leg braces, watch out, here I come, no speedo watching, just doing whatever the traffic deems necessary. I WILL NEVER get a ticket for holding up traffic. I'm a downshift artist, and below 20 M.P.H. I'm back in second which is a help in quick traffic stops. I only have 2 rules, # 1. don't try to run with freeway traffic, # 2. leave extra room in front of me for those unexpected stops. I violated #2 once only and dented "MINERVA'S" L/F fender. ( OUCH! ) :mad::mad:

Glad there's other people out there like me. At the end of the day it's a car, and if anything brakes it can be fixed.

Jordan 11-03-2011 10:41 PM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

My cars comfort speed with the current engine is 52 mph: So that's what I drive it at. My last engine's comfort speed was anywhere from 58-62 mph: So that's what i drove it at. As for down shifting, I downshift if i'm going under 25 mph. I've perfected it in my car, and I get up to speed pretty fast.

29RPU 11-04-2011 02:55 AM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

It's been said already, but how fast to you take corners??? I like to take my A's around a corner gently, which is a VERY comfortable 2nd. You'd have to be flying around a corner to keep it in 3rd in my opinion and other than to see if you can do it, or how hard it is to stay in thrid there is no point, use second. Your model A will be much happier.

2935ford 11-04-2011 06:16 AM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I have done corners in 3rd and ease on the gas as I straighten out. Doesn't seem to lug.

My engine has not been apart after early 1958. I doesn't do over 40mph and has trouble with hills in 3rd. She fires right up on cold start up, idles smooth but leaks quite a bit of oil after a run.

This winter I get to pull it and check all the internals and see what has or has not been done before 1958.
I'll take a compression test before tear down.

RJ 11-04-2011 07:26 AM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I think it really depends on what rear end gear ratio your running. My car has stock 3.78 rear end and I can take corners in 3rd at about 15 mph no problem . MY freind has change his rear end out to high gear ratio and you cant do corners in third gear in his car you must downshift.

Doug in Maryland 11-04-2011 07:33 AM

Re: How hard do you drive your A?

I suppose I drive the AA fairly hard. On a club tour last spring, I was averaging between 40 and 45, at least on my speedo, and keeping up with the cars in our group. Having the high speed (5.14 to 1) rear helps. My grandfather who owned the truck before me, apparently really ran them hard - lots of heavy hauling, etc. They were well built when new and when properly restored are amazingly durable - much less fragile that many may think.

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