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Brian SATX 10-18-2018 09:26 PM

MARC ballot and Constitution change

Got my ballot in the mail with the new issue of Model A News. I looked the ballot over and looked at all the proposed changes tot he Constitution. It is all or nothing. Just happened to read the instructions on page 9. If you disagree with any of the proposed changes, then you have to write a reason why you do not agree and the board will decide if you have any good reason and they will consider your objection. IF you mark no and do not submit a written explanation, they will consider your vote invalid. I have never heard of anything like this before that you have to explain why you do not agree or your vote is invalid. I have read the Constitution and in new Artice XIII no where does it say you have to explain to the board why you are voting no. I think this is an attempt to stifle No votes. Might be time for me to reconsider my membership.

daveymc29 10-19-2018 12:39 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

Why would it ever be the boards job to evaluate whether you have a good reason for your vote? Are they sorting out the folks with a lesser IQ of of some other challenged type? this has to be the sickest attempt at voter control I have ever heard of. Maybe they should call the Russians and sell this idea to them. We certainly don't need it. An opinion poll is okay, but to disqualify your vote because your opinion doesn't meet the standards of the board? Wow, is that a stretch.

BRENT in 10-uh-C 10-19-2018 08:04 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

Maybe I am wrong but I do not see this necessarily as a bad thing to state your views.

Think of it this way, the BoD is going to vote in whatever manner they see/feel is best for the club. That is their privilege as an elected official by the membership. They are asking for your input in this situation to assist in forming an opinion. If someone writes 'No', the BoD probably realizes this person could be voting Ney just because they do not want change, matter if it is actually good for the club. Remember, most people do not like change. Therefore, if this matters to you, call one of the Board Members and ask their opinion on the change. Then you are educated on the topic and if you want to vote No, then you can write an explanation.

Secondly, if you write an explanation why you feel it should not be changed, then it shows the BoD that you understand what they are trying to achieve however you re stating a reason why you feel their proposed change is not for the betterment of the club.

Brian SATX 10-19-2018 09:29 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

As usual Brent, you are a clear thinker. But to force me to write something or they will disregard my vote is what I think is wrong. Also, I have read the proposed changes several times. Some I agree with and some I do not. I doubt that if I write why I disagree that they will change their mind on what they want done.

Mike V. Florida 10-19-2018 10:17 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change


Originally Posted by Brian SATX (Post 1687285)
As usual Brent, you are a clear thinker. But to force me to write something or they will disregard my vote is what I think is wrong. Also, I have read the proposed changes several times. Some I agree with and some I do not. I doubt that if I write why I disagree that they will change their mind on what they want done.

Are you actually voting, that is do they add up the votes and make no changes or is it like Brent says a request for opinion before they make their decision. Sort of like writing your congressman, they vote like they want but would like your opinion.

daveymc29 10-19-2018 10:40 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I would really doubt most board members want any opinion that is not a mirror of their thoughts. Been there, done that. Sat on too many boards.

Brian SATX 10-20-2018 06:40 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

If you vote no and submit something in writing, they will consider your objection at a later meeting and adjudicated promptly. Again, if people vote no, they should not have to justify their vote. IF they really wanted our opinion, they should have proposed the changes, set a date for recommendations to be submitted and then held a straight yes or no vote.

MAG 10-20-2018 03:56 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I have a conflict with Article IV. If the Changes are approved I probably will not renew my membership. Not against change just to be against.

redmodelt 10-20-2018 04:57 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

Have any of you voiced your concerns over this on the MARC's forum? Seems to me your concerns would have more impact there then here and would give someone from the board a chance to respond.

Chuck Sea/Tac 10-20-2018 07:55 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change


Originally Posted by redmodelt (Post 1687518)
Have any of you voiced your concerns over this on the MARC's forum?

Where’s that? Didn’t see a link on MARC website. Can you post a link?

Ronnie Lawson 10-21-2018 08:21 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

There should be a yes or no vote for each change. Then your vote will count.

redmodelt 10-21-2018 09:47 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I see that they don't have a forum per say but they do have a contact page and facebook;
But you have to join the facebook page to use it;
Sorry, this content isn't available right now

The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.

John in SATX 10-21-2018 11:48 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I too pondered over this method and real lack of input from the membership. However if your elected representative is trusted to speak for you, then so be it, no vote is needed. I do not see any real choice here other than to go along or have your vote thrown out. Over the last many decades I have been involved with numerous professional, motorsports and scientific societies and have never seen constitutional items being lumped together like this. Obviously many governing items have come up but individual selections were offered. A yes or no final vote but after membership consideration of each item. I'm old and not the sharpest pin in the box anymore but I am glad to see my thinking was not that far off from some others. Have not decided about renewal but the emphasis is on bringing younger members on board anyway so likely little loss.

CarlG 10-21-2018 01:10 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

I belong to MARC just so that I can get the magazine. I really don't give a rip one way or the other what the BoD does.

Jeff/Illinois 10-21-2018 07:12 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change


Originally Posted by CarlG (Post 1687795)
I belong to MARC just so that I can get the magazine. I really don't give a rip one way or the other what the BoD does.

Like Carl said, and besides the great majority never return ballots and vote anyway at least that was what was said about this a couple years ago over at MAFCA. Jim Cannon was edged out one year as Tech. Director mainly because of the lack of voters voting:confused:

Gene F 10-22-2018 07:45 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

Brian, I did not see that, and mailed my ballot just this morning. Guess what, I voted no, and put my member number below it.

Here is the deal, they put in there "no one but members will be allowed at any event". Now how many of us have been introduced to a guest at an event, that later bought an A and joined. Talk about driving a nail through your own foot. The more I looked over the changes, the more I thought an attorney drafted them. You get the idea. They / we may be killing the orginazation. I like the person posting above mainly just join for the magazine. However I do go to about one quarter of the national meets.

Yep, sounds like a monopoly. Wonder if we can protest to the federal govt, and get their non-profit status revoked.

Mike V. Florida 10-22-2018 09:11 PM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change


Originally Posted by Gene F (Post 1688246)

Here is the deal, they put in there "no one but members will be allowed at any event". Now how many of us have been introduced to a guest at an event, that later bought an A and joined. Talk about driving a nail through your own foot. The more I looked over the changes, the more I thought an attorney drafted them. You get the idea. They / we may be killing the orginazation. I like the person posting above mainly just join for the magazine. However I do go to about one quarter of the national meets.


The events are club events and only open to club members. It's like a family reunion, most would not want someone from outside the family to come to the event.

The compromise would be to charge more for non members and eliminate anything free. Otherwise why become a member if you get all the perks of membership without the actual membership?

redmodelt 10-23-2018 12:09 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

RE "no one but members will be allowed at any event" better leave your girl or boy friend at home!

TerryO 10-23-2018 08:22 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change


RE "no one but members will be allowed at any event" better leave your girl or boy friend at home!
Unless they are your "Domestic Partner"...Article 4... :rolleyes:


2manycars 10-23-2018 09:24 AM

Re: MARC ballot and Constitution change

Sure glad I dropped membership in both national clubs. There is enough political crap on the radio, tv, and signs at every corner. I dont need more of it in a club. I just enjoy driving my cars, and even enjoy just going to the shop and looking at them. I joined the Connecticut Model A Restorers club about 1960 with my father, and it became the national MARC, but I have dropped both.

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