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Old Henry 05-12-2016 12:46 AM

Alaska attempt daily report

My journey has begun. Since several expressed some interest in it, I thought I'd post a daily report of my progress.

I finally finished rebuilding and rewiring my headlights and drove to where I could aim them at 1:30 A.M. this morning. Slept from 2 - 7 then got up, feeling drugged, and finished up all other last minute preparations and started off today at 10:45 A.M. We made it to Butte, Montana just after sundown, 450 miles. I let Siri take me to the nearest camp ground. He took me to the KOA. I asked for a tent site without power. They were going to charge me $36.00 for one. I was obviously displeased and ready to leave and head for the Motel 6. They then upgraded me to a cabin for the same price so I'm happy.

Here's the map of our planned route showing Butte that we made it to so far.

Interactive map you can zoom in on here:

No problems at all with the car today. The only mechanical problems were the batteries powering the headphone amp that boosts the signal from my mp3 player to the radio speaker went dead. So, I was stuck listening to the soft rumble of the engine, the soothing whir of the tires, and the pleasing swoosh of the air passing by the open window for 9 hours. Actually, not bad at all. I quite enjoyed it.

The other problem was that the software on my laptop that was supposed to record the entire trip and all statistics about it so that I could play it back at the end of each day to review turned out to be unreliable. In shorter trial runs, it had continued to record even after prolonged stops. But today, if I stopped too long, it lost the prior recording and started over from where we were. So, "Johnny 5" (the robot from Short Circuit) did not get his insatiable appetite for "input" satisfied today.

Speeds averaged 60-65 mph, temperatures from 49-61 degrees F, and altitudes from 4500-6500 feet.

I planned to stay in Dillon, Montana tonight, which would have been 390 miles for the day, close to my budget of 400 per day, but the sun was still shining when we got there so we went another hour to Butte. At this rate, I may finish early (if I finish at all) or, I may take some longer, slower, more scenic routes and stop more to see, photograph, and videotape stuff.

Spending the day on the freeway was not conducive to photography. It was not like the little two-lanes that I can stop on a dime any time to take pictures or do a quick U-turn to video. I'll be glad when I get off the freeways to get some pictures and video.

Here are the only two pictures I took speeding along the freeway of little Lady in a couple of her favorite travel postures. Watching the computer does the same for her as it does for me - puts us to sleep.

Alaska Jim 05-12-2016 01:52 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Where in Alaska are you headed?

A bones 05-12-2016 04:10 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Thanks for the report. You know I'd love to be doing just that; listening to the rumble of the engine and, the whir of the tires. Yesterday I surrendered my CDL due to my eyes not working like they used to. No regrets though, I had plenty of thrills while trucking. Always considered myself to be a paid tourist.

Here's to the back roads may they all be downhill.:D

colin1928 05-12-2016 05:12 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

thanks for the post waiting for the next

turnpikecrusier 05-12-2016 05:32 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

We all are going to enjoy your trip!

corvette8n 05-12-2016 06:52 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Sounds like a good start, can't wait to see the video/pictures. Do you have a pre-trip checklist?.

Cecil/WV 05-12-2016 06:57 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Good start!

JSeery 05-12-2016 07:04 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

So far so good, best of luck on the trip.

Ol' Ron 05-12-2016 07:13 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

I feel like I'm sitting in the back seat enjoying the ride. Thanks, and good luck.

flatheadv8 05-12-2016 07:56 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Thank you so much for sharing your trip. I too feel like I am riding along in the back seat and couldn't resist saying, "Are we there yet!" LOL... Have a safe trip and please do share some pics. Love em'!

Barry-ct 05-12-2016 08:00 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Can't wait for the latest travelog, wish I was there with you!

BUBBAS IGNITION 05-12-2016 08:12 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Have a good trip.!!!

gmanrides 05-12-2016 08:28 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Subscribed! looking forward to the journey. Enjoy!

RalphM 05-12-2016 09:21 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by Alaska Jim (Post 1292549)
Where in Alaska are you headed?

I was hoping to see Ol Henry in the Interior, but I think his plan is to drive to Haines(which is not REALLY part of Alaska :) , it doesn't even get cold there)

I had to get that in there Professor, seriously I think it's a great journey you have embarked on and I will be patiently waiting for your daily updates.
All the best of luck, and post some photos.

Old Henry 05-12-2016 10:17 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by RalphM (Post 1292680)
I was hoping to see Ol Henry in the Interior, but I think his plan is to drive to Haines(which is not REALLY part of Alaska :) , it doesn't even get cold there)

I had to get that in there Professor, seriously I think it's a great journey you have embarked on and I will be patiently waiting for your daily updates.
All the best of luck, and post some photos.

I'm headed for Skagway. Here's the map:

Interactive map:

And here are a couple of pictures of "Ol Henry in the Interior" with little Lady in some of her traveling postures. Watching the computer does the same thing to her as it does to me, puts us to sleep.

36coupe 05-12-2016 11:35 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Great adventure.
I wonder how far I could make it in the 38 with mechical brakes?

Cool Kat with Hot Car 05-12-2016 11:44 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Love your adventuresome spirit. The open road and our rural country, especially when viewed from a good old Ford V8, are something to be treasured. Have a safe and fun trip. Good luck to you and Old Henry.

KiWinUS 05-12-2016 11:46 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Safe travels , keep up the great work posting !!

Bored&Stroked 05-12-2016 12:02 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

We're all going with you . . . so you better have room in the back seat!

Be safe and enjoy every day!


Steve Staysko 05-12-2016 12:21 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Welcome to Canada and if you have any problems around Calgary please call me.

Admiral 05-12-2016 12:31 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by 36coupe (Post 1292742)
Great adventure.
I wonder how far I could make it in the 38 with mechical brakes?

If it's in good mechanical condition, as far as you'd like. These old Fords are rugged, built to run on rough roads in difficult conditions.

Keep us posted, Old Henry! Love these driving adventures.

Tinker 05-12-2016 02:29 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

1 Attachment(s)

Safe travels :)

flatford8 05-12-2016 04:11 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Good luck on your adventure!!!.... As I've said after veiwing each of your adventures, I always feel like I should be chipping in for gas.......Mark

jim1932 05-12-2016 06:54 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

MY SUGGESTION....which should be promptly ignored.... would be to drive to Bellingham and grab a Blue Canoe...ferry

41ford1 05-12-2016 07:50 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

1 Attachment(s)
Enjoy the adventure. Please keep us posted. The road trips are always fun. Just did one to Williamsburg, VA from Manchveagas, NH and back. Just a short haul compared to yours.
The picture is along the Yorktown to Jamestown parkway.

flat-v8 05-12-2016 08:59 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Awesome, I love tuning in for your road trips, stories and pictures, it's a virtual reality vacation for me!

GB SISSON 05-12-2016 10:31 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Take the I5 exit to San Juan Islands and Burlington. We'll recharge your breathing machine and anything else that needs it. Wish I was along for the ride...... Believe me we are all drop frikken dead envious of your trips!!

Alaska Jim 05-13-2016 01:55 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

I was kind of hoping you were headed towards Anchorage.

Old Redneck 05-13-2016 04:34 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

1 Attachment(s)
You are doing what most of us dream of doing but don't have the nerve or funds to do. Wish I was with you doing this adventure. Thanks for showing us.

Cecil/WV 05-13-2016 06:41 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by 36coupe (Post 1292742)
Great adventure.
I wonder how far I could make it in the 38 with mechical brakes?

If you brakes are like the '38 I used to own, there would be nothing to stop you!

tubman 05-13-2016 06:56 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by Cecil/WV (Post 1293080)
If you brakes are like the '38 I used to own, there would be nothing to stop you!

I think I know what you're trying to say, but this can be taken in two very different ways!

Old Henry 05-13-2016 10:22 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Sorry for the late report. I was too exhausted last night to do anything but climb in bed.

We made it another 338 miles to Fort MacLeod, AB by way of Glacier National Park, total of 790 miles so far, pretty close to my budget of 400 miles per day.

I was sure glad the KOA put me in a camping cabin instead of my tent as it was 31 degrees in the morning. Not too cold to sleep in but kinda nippy for getting dressed in.

From Butte we headed up the freeway until our first chance to get off of it and out into the country. That was Montana Highway 287 from the freeway to where it connected to US 89 to Glacier National Park. I've got to say that that 140 mile stretch of highway is one of the most uniquely scenic in all that I've driven in the U.S. It's gently undulating terrain covered with emerald grass should have been marked as a scenic byway if not an All American Road in my opinion.

When I was about to stop and take pictures of the most scenic spots I realized that those were the exact same spots AnnaRae and I stopped and photographed three years ago on our anniversary trip. To save time I'll share those again.

Approaching Agusta.

In Agusta it started to rain. I was glad that I had refreshed my Rain-X treatment on the windshield for those occasions that the wipers did not move ascending inclines.

Eventually the temperature dropped to 34 degrees and the rain turned to snow. The Rain-X didn't help much with snow.

Eventually, we arrived at Glacier National Park. We were only able to drive up 12 miles of the Going to the Sun highway but that drive was well worth it. The scenery at any time of year, including winter snow falling, is breathtaking. And the fresh smell of pine trees - - never smelled it stronger. Simply invigorating!

St. Mary's Lake with Goose Nest Island.

Mountain Peaks reaching above the clouds.

And eventually the end of the road.

Within an hour we crossed the border into Canada and headed north to our Motel in Fort MacLeod.

I was sure glad to get off of the freeway so that I could stop and "smell the roses" whenever I wanted to. I was also glad I installed a 12 volt power socket, not only to keep my laptop going but I also needed to charge my cell phone and mp3 player as we went along. I took a lot of great video that I'll produce and share when I get home.

melisa 05-13-2016 10:29 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Super! What a trip, wish mine was ready. Have a safe and great trip. Melisa

Old Henry 05-13-2016 10:31 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report


Originally Posted by Redneck (Post 1293060)
You are doing what most of us dream of doing but don't have the nerve or funds to do. Wish I was with you doing this adventure. Thanks for showing us.


Originally Posted by GB SISSON (Post 1293007)
Wish I was along for the ride...... Believe me we are all drop frikken dead envious of your trips!!

I am very grateful that life circumstances has allowed me this experience. I wish all of you could come along with me. I guess that's why I make so much effort to share with you. In a way, it's like having you along. I'm constantly watching for things I think you would enjoy.

Mart 05-13-2016 11:45 AM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Prof, we appreciate the effort very much and do feel as if we are riding along with you.



bigdoor 05-13-2016 12:20 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

boy this back seat is getting full thanks for picking me up

RalphM 05-13-2016 12:41 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Are we there yet? :)

petehoovie 05-13-2016 12:42 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Damn!!!....I envy you, Craig!

Legends47 05-13-2016 01:24 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Watching, riding along and enjoying another one of your great trips. Thank you for taking us along with you!!

VeryTangled 05-13-2016 01:35 PM

Re: Alaska attempt daily report

Wow I don't want to get this off topic. Thanks Craig! Have a fun and safe time on the highways!

But I can just hear it from the crowded back seat!

Daaaaad! Steve is touching me!!!

I gotta pee!

I see a Tennessee license plate, put that down!

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