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alv 02-22-2014 08:01 AM

digital camera

why is it so hard to post a picture of what you are selling with an ad. digital cameras are cheap enough and if i have to email you for a picture why can't you just put the picture in the ad? sorry just had to vent

dwick01 02-22-2014 08:41 AM

Re: digital camera

Not everyone has a digital camera? Not everyone knows how to put pictures in an ad, maybe?

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 08:47 AM

Re: digital camera


A lot has to do with comfort level, The average age on here being what it is 60+
"WE" have learned how to email and can stumble through that form of contact.
Most don't have a lot to sell & find it hard to get to post pictures.
Maybe it's that you have to not over think things and not Question each & every step.

Pixels / computer Files / Cookies ~ WHAT THE F . And it goes on.

The fact that they can send email pictures & not ask your address so they can mail you the pictures is for some a great acomplishment.

Scott H in Wheaton 02-22-2014 08:49 AM

Re: digital camera

But his point was the seller says they can email pictures, if you can email them you should post them.

Likewise when advestising a single item instead of posting the price in the title it says "Price: in ad". If you are too embarrassed of your price I have no desire to waste my time by opening your ad to find the price.

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 08:57 AM

Re: digital camera


Not Starting a Fight or arguing / if I may ask how old are you ?

Here is a example ~ Randy Has 3 81 carbs for sale all 3 different prices is he to post all 3 prices in the title

whizzernick 02-22-2014 09:11 AM

Re: digital camera

I agree with all of you. My question is some post big pictures . I think most of us like big pictures. those thumb nail photo's that you click on twice to enlarge will not enlarge for me . So I ask again ---- how do you post nice big pictures ?
case in point--- I just saw yesterday a post of a member who bought a 33 5-w coupe and took us through a lot of very nice & big pictures . This story of the 33 is the best post I have seen yet (post on a story of what some members will go through to put a poor 33 back in grace) super job with the work and the post.

whizzernick 02-22-2014 09:12 AM

Re: digital camera

P.S I am 71 & 3/4

Juergen 02-22-2014 09:14 AM

Re: digital camera

From my perspective, why do you need a picture? I grew up with Hemmings and phone calls. So I would list "brake drum, all studs good, cut .030, ready to install". Now the guy wants a picture. A picture won't add anything to the description. The only reason that makes sense to me is to see if I really have the item. Now if the item is not "ready to use", I would add a picture to show the extent of the defects, but why else? What good is a picture of a flywheel?

JM 35 Sedan 02-22-2014 09:27 AM

Re: digital camera

I once suggested that all for sale ads placed here should be required to have a picture or pictures attached. I could not believe how many whining and crying posts were made on that comment :D. Thumbnail pictures can be opened in a separate window and enlarged to any size you would like to make them and they are much easier to post directly from computer files, IMO.

Ronnie 02-22-2014 09:50 AM

Re: digital camera

This is 2014 not 1914.Lots of tech to get a pic done.

Would you buy a brake drum in a box at a swap meet and have the seller tell you its all there and in good shape give me 50.00 but you can't see in the box??? I don't think so with the tech info today a pic is just too easy. No pic no sell simple.


BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 10:00 AM

Re: digital camera


Easy / smezzy

We have Whizzernick ( Stated age 71 & 3/4 years old or Young )
He has been having problems be able to understand let alone post pictures,
He has been asking for help some have answered just XYZ this & BDQ that Then you Fupz it a 2nd time And it goes on,& on.
Is there any one that could email him or call him and slowly in simple terms get him through it?
We live in such a fast pace time & we all have trouble in understanding that when we
know how to do some thing / why some one else can't come up to speed.

I am sure there are a lot of Barners that would love to post pictures but are afraid to ask

I have just learned how to stumble my way through posting pictures & I am not sure I do it the same each time. ( I know I could not explain how I get it done )

packyusmc 02-22-2014 10:02 AM

Re: digital camera

Why doesn't some one post a complete description of how to post photos for ads and also how to post an avatar? I'm very computer illiterate and can't even find where to start. I would appreciate it.

wisbangman 02-22-2014 10:03 AM

Re: digital camera

Some of us just have mental blocks when it comes to taking and posting pictures. Half my working life was in retail newspaper advertising sales. One picture is worth a thousand words. And I truely believe that. Being now, over 70, I fall into the group who have some computer skills, some, digital camera skills, and hardly any posting skills . And yes, I could probably ask my 11 year old grandson to upload them, but how does that work ? I believe that it would be a real service if someone on the barn, would put a step by step loading tutorial on here for dummies. And post it where it will be available permanently so us challenged folk can always refer to it. It's not that we don't want to put in a photo, we are just challanged.....Thanks

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 10:04 AM

Re: digital camera


Not looking for trouble,or a fight / But if it so easy why don't you get a hold of Whizzernick and help him get his pictures posted / Heck he may have the part you need to get on the road.

whizzernick 02-22-2014 10:04 AM

Re: digital camera

Thanks Bill

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 10:09 AM

Re: digital camera


I am not singling you out it is I see you asking for help & you as many ( I put my self in this group also ) don't understand the lingo!!!!

mrtexas 02-22-2014 10:39 AM

Re: digital camera

post on fordbarn

first log in to your account

1) select pictures and albums


3)upload picture

4)select picture

Scott H in Wheaton 02-22-2014 10:54 AM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by BILL WZOREK (Post 828425)

Not Starting a Fight or arguing / if I may ask how old are you ?

Here is a example ~ Randy Has 3 81 carbs for sale all 3 different prices is he to post all 3 prices in the title

I'm 54.
Randy has three items, so it makes sense to price them individually in the ad.
My point was when someone has a SINGLE item and wants to hide the price in the ad.

As far as posting pictures, I don't think anyone here is incapable of it. I think they are afraid to poke around on their computer and figure out how to do it. Fear of the unknown, fear of crashing their computer, etc.

Come on, guys! You can rebuild a manual trans, restore a carburetor, figure out how to free-up a stuck flathead, de-rust using molasses, electrolysis and goodness knows takes less than 30 seconds to post a picture. Dive in and figure it out! You figured out how to find FordBarn, sign up, and start posting things....

llee5492 02-22-2014 11:00 AM

Re: digital camera

a men

Scott H in Wheaton 02-22-2014 11:10 AM

Re: digital camera

1 Attachment(s)

I never used that method, so as a first-timer it was incredibly fast and easy to do!
I have always used the little paper-clip icon in the top of the reply box. The "quick reply" box doesn't have the icon, but you can always get to it if you click "go advanced" at the bottom of this box right next to where it says Post Quick Reply.

Attachment 166993

JM 35 Sedan 02-22-2014 11:17 AM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by Scott H in Wheaton (Post 828520)
I'm 54.
Randy has three items, so it makes sense to price them individually in the ad.
My point was when someone has a SINGLE item and wants to hide the price in the ad.

As far as posting pictures, I don't think anyone here is incapable of it. I think they are afraid to poke around on their computer and figure out how to do it. Fear of the unknown, fear of crashing their computer, etc.

Come on, guys! You can rebuild a manual trans, restore a carburetor, figure out how to free-up a stuck flathead, de-rust using molasses, electrolysis and goodness knows takes less than 30 seconds to post a picture. Dive in and figure it out! You figured out how to find FordBarn, sign up, and start posting things....

Exactly!! There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
I can't count the number of times I have posted info on how to post pictures here and have read other posts giving details on how to post them.
I just did a quick search on "posting pictures" and found plenty of info on the subject. Plus there is info in FAQ on how to post pictures. I am 70 and do not consider myself a computer expert. I feel like if I can learn anyone can learn but you just gotta take that first step. There is also a test forum here where you can practice posting pictures to your hearts content. Give it a try.

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 11:47 AM

Re: digital camera

Your age maybe what keeps you from being set in you ways ....... ;)

So lets see if I got this correct if My computer "FREEZES" :eek: I should give it a good soaking of ATF & ACETONE to free it up, Do I have that right ????? lol / lol

Scott H in Wheaton 02-22-2014 11:56 AM

Re: digital camera

So now that I have a newly created ALBUM with some easily uploaded pictures (took maybe three clicks?) I was trying to figure out how to add them to a posting.
Finally went to the FAQ section up above and read the part about albums and pictures.
It said I can use the BB text underneath the picture. Not knowing what that was, I went into my FordBarn album and clicked on a picture. When it opened to full size there were two lines of text underneath it. One said it was BB code (whatever that is) and started out with the letters IMG...kind of like IMAGE.
I hovered my mouse over it and copied the whole line.
Then I went into a thread and hit 'paste' and this is what I got.
Easy - peasy

Scott H in Wheaton 02-22-2014 11:58 AM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by BILL WZOREK (Post 828557)
Your age maybe what keeps you from being set in you ways ....... ;)

So lets see if I got this correct if My computer "FREEZES" :eek: I should give it a good soaking of ATF & ACETONE to free it up, Do I have that right ????? lol / lol

Is that the special elixer you used to free up the four shocks you rebuilt for me? :D

I see you've taught yourself how to use BOLD, UNDERLINE, and COLOR in your posts!

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 12:24 PM

Re: digital camera

Hey On JM 35's Prompting I Tried some thing and Guess what NOTHING

tiger.1000 02-22-2014 12:30 PM

Re: digital camera

Phew ! A lot of hissing and howling here about loading pictures and YES I did struggle to load them on to the Barn and in the end a kind hearted barner told me how.

However it must be said and betwixt all the hissing and howling I'm surprised someone hasn't said it by now.....SCROLL DOWN


jim1932 02-22-2014 12:37 PM

Re: digital camera

Could be me, and I'm youngerish. I do not believe you can change the price in the title. Therefore if I think I will over time, drop the price, I do price in ad.

A hint on the photos, it helps if you set you camera for small files in the menu. Most issues seem to be from when he file is too big.

BILL WZOREK 02-22-2014 12:39 PM

Re: digital camera

Different topic Did you take the car out the other day???

JM 35 Sedan 02-22-2014 01:19 PM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by jim1932 (Post 828584)
Could be me, and I'm youngerish. I do not believe you can change the price in the title. Therefore if I think I will over time, drop the price, I do price in ad.

The price can be changed in the price box.

dwick01 02-22-2014 04:02 PM

Re: digital camera

Thank you MrTexas!!

rich b 02-22-2014 05:18 PM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by Juergen (Post 828440)
From my perspective, why do you need a picture? I grew up with Hemmings and phone calls. So I would list "brake drum, all studs good, cut .030, ready to install". Now the guy wants a picture. A picture won't add anything to the description. The only reason that makes sense to me is to see if I really have the item. Now if the item is not "ready to use", I would add a picture to show the extent of the defects, but why else? What good is a picture of a flywheel?

I have found that some sellers do not know what they are selling either from lack of knowledge or misinformation (maybe even intentionally, you know that all unknown parts default to '32, right). In those cases a picture can make the difference.

I routinely see '35-'36 spindles advertised as '42-'42 square-backs, '37-'41 axles advertised as A or deuce axles, '42-'48 axles advertised as dropped axles, '57+ F-100 brakes advertised as '53-'56 F-100 brakes, ETC.

Obviously, you still need to do your research; but a picture at least shows what you're considering.

42merc 02-22-2014 06:40 PM

Re: digital camera


jim1932 02-22-2014 08:17 PM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by BILL WZOREK (Post 828589)
Different topic Did you take the car out the other day???

No, ended up with a job interview instead(which is a good thing). I have it in the cue for the model A restorer I rent space with. When he gets done I will be able to drive it anywhere.

barnfind 02-24-2014 09:30 AM

Re: digital camera

I recently drove 250 miles one way only to find the seller didn't know what he had but was absolutely insistent on what he was selling was accurate. He had his daughter post an ad but they couldn't post or send pictures. I guess I didn't ask the right questions but people tend to get pissed at you when you do.

I have worked with computers and software for over 30 years and found the software that runs this site to be very confusing for posting pictures. Mainly because you have to go into "Go Advanced" mode to attach the pics. I could see someone thinking "I am certainly not Advanced" plus there is the Icon that says Insert image but is really "Insert URL or weblink".

A second challenge is newer digital cameras create a very large file(lots of pixels) by default that some site software or network connections will not allow to upload. So that means you have to have a way to "resize" the picture down. I find a file size around 300KB or about 800x400 pixels usually works for most sites. But I would spend a lot of money based on a picture of that quality.

GaryTx 02-24-2014 09:55 AM

Re: digital camera

I think the price change issue or not posting the price in the box is a carry over from the HAMB where you CAN NOT change the price in the box after posting the ad. The Ford Barn allows price changes in the box.

FL&WVMIKE 02-24-2014 11:32 AM

Re: digital camera

You do have to "Go Avanced" to change the heading or price.
MIKE :) (mikeburch)

itslow 02-24-2014 01:10 PM

Re: digital camera


Originally Posted by Juergen (Post 828440)
From my perspective, why do you need a picture?

Because descriptions are often mis-representative of the actual item condition or otherwise incorrectly described. Usually one can tell immediately from a photo whether the item is worth further inquiry or purchase.

MOST all of the questions people ask have been answered in the "Questions & Suggestions" section near the bottom of the main forum listing.

This page, in particular, is one that should be read:

TonyM 02-24-2014 02:12 PM

Re: digital camera

1 Attachment(s)
If your photo is in a file folder on your desk top then it is very easy. Go to "Go Advanced" then click on "manage attachments". Then go to the box that pops up and click on the "browse" button. The browse button will give you a "file to upload" prompt. Go to this and find the folder where your photos are stored. Open that folder and click on the photo you want. Then click "Upload" and wait. When the photo is successfully uploaded the browse button will no longer contain the photo info and that info will appear on the go advance window above the "manage attachments" button. Then click on "submit reply" and your photo will be up.

PeteVS 02-24-2014 02:19 PM

Re: digital camera

Changing the title of a thread? Yes, you can change it!

HamerAuto 02-24-2014 06:13 PM

Re: digital camera

Very few of my pics will ever post. If they are resized then half the detail is left out.

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