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yachtsmanbill 01-20-2012 08:14 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

I only did it until I needed glasses... and some NAIR on the knuckles LOL. ws

fordman67 01-20-2012 08:16 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

See now that is not right. When people get divorced it should be fair. I hear too many stories like that. I guess I got lucky when I got mine. She was the offending party in the situation. Therefore I got the house and my cars and furniture. She took her crap and got out. I was not complaining except paying the bills on one income was tighter than ever.So I wound up having to sell my race car. But it was all worth it to get rid of her......Just too bad about that 38,it looked very nice.You will get there on your projects and be better off in the end.
Bill, you just ain't right hahahaha!

Bookman 01-21-2012 11:22 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Keep plugging along, every step is one more behind you. Before you know it, you will be half done, almost done, and finally done.

fordman67 02-15-2012 11:14 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Well has been a while since I posted in this ol rag...

The fenders,running boards,splash aprons are back from stripper...

All the small parts are back from the powder coater and I am going back tomorrow for the frame.Hoppefully I will have some eye candy for ya guys soon.

My main dilema is wheels....I still have not fully formulated an attack plan.
I HAVE been offered another set of solid disk wheels...FREE with two new tires IF I will use them.(gotta love them GOOD friends that want you to get your car done)

The big I a bad person If I disk it? I want wood but the disks will be safer for my family I think....opinions?

dumb person 02-16-2012 12:14 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Disk wheels will be ok as long as you can change them back.

fordman67 02-16-2012 08:47 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Oh yea that is no problem.I also intend on saving the woodies and eventually return them to service.just not in the budget to redo them right now.

yachtsmanbill 02-16-2012 09:43 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Thats a totally personal choice, but the wife summed it up..."Looks like a Roger Rabbit car..." Personally, I think modelTs were meant to run artillery wheels, or to spiff it up a bit, wire wheels. JMHO... ws

fordman67 02-19-2012 11:55 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

SHAVE annnnndddd a hair cut.........TWWWWWWWWOOOOO bits!

We shall see Bill about them chebby wheels.

For now here are some pics of frame and small parts back from powder and fenders,running boards,splash aprons back from chemical dip...

fordman67 02-19-2012 11:56 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

fordman67 02-19-2012 11:57 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

darn it,them were supposed to be in one bucket not so slick!

[email protected] 02-20-2012 10:03 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

You are definitely moving right along.

fordman67 02-20-2012 07:00 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Yea,just not fast to finish the chassis so I can get on the body.just can't tear down another thing till something is back together.

yachtsmanbill 02-20-2012 07:58 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Thats what was getting to me except I started with a hermaphrodite chassis. A regular T male hahaha! I had to modify the frame, rebuild the front axle, do the motor, THEN come to find out the rear end ist sheist, redo all that and get it together so that the weight/attitude is correct to start working on the suspension and steering up front.
The body is gonna be the fun part for me. A fabbed up steel frame and skin it with either aluminum or steel... not to sure about that part yet...Then I find out the column has to come apart. Anything Ive taken for granted has bit me in the CULO. ws

fordman67 03-11-2012 10:42 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Yea bill im up for what you are laying down...I think im gonna slam this thing together and drive it for a while with the body like it is.i will paint the parts that are already stripped but come back later and repair the body maybe next winter or goes!

[email protected] 03-14-2012 06:37 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Just about time for an update from you. Have you been able to close a deal on a set of wheels yet? It'll be fun to see your car when it's together. I really like my tudor. I still have to try to get some seats. I'll probably but a kit from somewhere. Or find a good set of original if there is such thing. There's a guy up in Shevlin MN that I talked to Last Fall that had a good original set for $400.00. But before I can even think of seats I have to look at a flat tube radiator from Bergs. Hopefully they'll give me as good a price as they gave me on my last one. I've got way to many projects here that need to be done.

fordman67 03-14-2012 10:00 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread bergbouer? We were over at his shop last year.good fella! He is only about an hour from us.actually my buddies dad and his dad were old gas engine pals.
And....i suck.I have accomplished nothing this week. I am hoping to assemble the front end this weekend. I got my buddies wifes car at the house for some work so she can enjoy it this spring.I have to keep her happy! She is SO nice and will be delivering our baby and is my wifes you get the picture.i have not done any more on wheels since i have so much other to do.I am steadily watching flebay and the calssifieds on here.i will come up with something.....or just use the free disks from my buddy.....only time will tell...update with pics to follow in a short time! I promise!

fordman67 03-14-2012 10:01 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

If you only need front the used originals might not be bad.what does a complete cartouche run now? Three arms and ten legs? Maybe a first born child too!

[email protected] 03-14-2012 11:18 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread


Originally Posted by fordman67 (Post 386175)
If you only need front the used originals might not be bad.what does a complete cartouche run now? Three arms and ten legs? Maybe a first born child too!

Ya, I don't know. I'm not looking at anything but getting the seats fixed. No way I'm going to replace the whole interior. My wish is to have the car as much original as I can keep it. I don't want to restore it. I just want to keep the patina as it is. So first the touring car has to be together then it'll be time for the tudor. If the guy in Shevlin will sell me some decent seats for $400.00 for the set I figure it will be ok. I hate to say it on an open forum that I've got a problem with the way the guy does business. He buys some pretty nice tudors and coupes, takes them apart and sells the pieces off to anyone with money. It sort of pisses a guy off to think he's taking a good T out of the picture but then he's helping a lot of guys put other T's on the road. Fundamentally it sound like a good plan but when you consider the fact that darn near everything you need to completely restore a T is available from the catalogs then what he's doing is destroying history by parting out these old cars. So I guess I'm a little torn as to whether I'm going to buy from him or not. I know there's a lot of guys in the club that boycott him because they don't agree with what he's doing. As you can tell I don't know how I feel about it.

And yes I am talking about Bergbauer's. Great quality at really fair prices. And he will absolutely stand behind his work.

dumb person 03-15-2012 01:10 AM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread

Mr (email address as username)
If you need seats make them yourself, i did! (based all on pictures from the internet) So the way i did it was make the wooden frame that looked like the origonal, seat metal for the seat back bent to shape, Took some modern foam seats and springs and cut them apart to fit to the seatframe i made and covered it all in a thin layer of padding from a furniture store with a layer of fabric on top. Looks the part and nobody noticed its origins.
i would prefer making them over buying some from a guy. Just need some pictures from the internet and a drill.

[email protected] 03-15-2012 02:15 PM

Re: my 1925 tudor project thread


Originally Posted by dumb person (Post 386264)
Mr (email address as username)
If you need seats make them yourself, i did! (based all on pictures from the internet) So the way i did it was make the wooden frame that looked like the origonal, seat metal for the seat back bent to shape, Took some modern foam seats and springs and cut them apart to fit to the seatframe i made and covered it all in a thin layer of padding from a furniture store with a layer of fabric on top. Looks the part and nobody noticed its origins.
i would prefer making them over buying some from a guy. Just need some pictures from the internet and a drill.

Hi Dumb, I could use the frames and hardware that Ive already got, put a little more cotton batting on them and some new material to cover them with and have seats. I believe they actually sell fabric that matches what was used originally.

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