Ford Barn Birthday… Sort Of…

Well, as of today I’m the official owner of Ford Barn. It took me exactly a year to pay off Shelly with crisp green backs, but here I am… Owner. Editor. Moderator. Target of jokes. And it has been a great year. We’ve done a complete redesign. We’ve completely changed the site’s software. We’ve protected the past. We’ve protected the future.

In any case, I thought it would be interesting on this special day to go back and look at the stats of the site to see how we’ve done numerically. All of the changes we’ve done over the past year were actually quite risky. It’s amazingly easy to drive folks off with change and we did a whole lot of it… And you know what, I think we did a smash up job. These numbers prove it:

Pageview growth in the past 365 days: 72.34%
Unique visitor growth in the past 365 days: 49.5%
Average time spent on site growth in the past 365 days: 86.51%
Average number of posts per day growth in the past 365 days: 64%

Not too bad, huh?

Anyway, a special thanks to all of you fellas that have been so patient with me over the past year. This was a big hurdle to jump and we couldn’t have done it without all of you guys being understanding, willing to learn, and willing to give me a shot. I owe ya all…