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Old 10-22-2022, 12:09 PM   #1281
Jim Brierley
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Woofa, lawyers are a breed of their own, rated a bit below used car salesmen! I have had 2 dealings with lawyers, and came out on the short end of the stick both times.

I didn't care much for ancient history when in school, but I did like American history, probably because it was more applicable to this old Yank, sometimes referred ta as Tanks by down-unders.
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Old 10-22-2022, 05:18 PM   #1282
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Originally Posted by Jim Brierley View Post
Woofa, lawyers are a breed of their own, rated a bit below used car salesmen! I have had 2 dealings with lawyers, and came out on the short end of the stick both times.

I didn't care much for ancient history when in school, but I did like American history, probably because it was more applicable to this old Yank, sometimes referred ta as Tanks by down-unders.
Hi Jim.
Yes Jim. Australians rate lawyers the same as you apparently do.
No Jim, Australians do not call Americans Tanks
But we do call American cars "yank tanks". That does not include the Model A of course. cheers, gary
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Old 10-23-2022, 04:09 PM   #1283
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Feeling depressed?

It’s a common greeting in Australia to say “How ya going”. It is, in my opinion, superficial and meaningless because the person posing the question doesn’t really care. Lately I have been responding “a little depressed actually”, then conversation may start. Why they may ask, and here is why.
Our bodies need vitamin D and that comes from the sun. For reasons explained in story number 1274 we have had many days with showers or overcast conditions. Many days. And to my surprise they, the people replying to my comment have spoken of feeling the same. It seems this weather has caused this ailment has effected many.
One can always take a pill to substitute the sun and that may well be a good inexpensive anti depressant. Prefer the sun myself.
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Old 10-26-2022, 05:15 PM   #1284
mercman from oz
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Fart tax for moo cows that provide us food and none for folk who consume it.

Is this fair? woofa express
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Old 10-26-2022, 05:25 PM   #1285
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Lets be fair. Innocent.

More applicable. woofa express
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Old 11-01-2022, 12:47 PM   #1286
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It’s called the Race that stops the Nation.

The harbour bridge and opera house are well known icons in Sydney. Folks from Sydney are known to brag about them especially to Melbourne folk. This gets up Melbournian’s noses. Melbourne figured they too should have an icon bridge but it fell into the water during construction. Had it not been for a loss of lives Sydney would have sniggered.

Melbourne too wanted to be on the map and has done so with a horse race that attracts the attention of almost every Australian. Yes, even Sydney siders stop to watch. It's a social occasion and Victoria takes a state holiday. People get dressed up, some smartly and some in hideous and even poor taste attire. Some wear hats and some women wear fascinators. All to attract attention. It’s quite an event. Held today, the first Tuesday in November.

This horse race attracts world-wide attention. It is one way Melbourne thumbs its nose at Sydney siders. Today’s winner was a French horse but owned here in Australia. In all some 9 horses were flown in to compete. Several from Ireland, and England and New Zealand and one from America. Like todays winner some local horses were bred off shore and some local horses owned by off-shore people, usually middle eastern.
I didn’t have a bet because neither horses nor gambling interest me. My wife Patsy did and lost $20 and she’s pissed off because she is such a tight ass.
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Old 11-08-2022, 04:18 PM   #1287
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This is not a political statement but a historical fact.

Two days from now (in British commonwealth countries) is an historical event. It’s Armistice Day, the eleventh of the eleventh or Remembrance Day as it is known. It marks the end of WW1. This date is also includes those who were killed in WW2. Since most of you readers are American this will interest you. Your military lost a total of 60,000 of which 8,301 were lost in one battle and is commemorated in this tribute below by Andrea Rieu. This article below has been sent to me by my friend.

About six miles from Maastricht, in the Netherlands, lie buried 8,301 American soldiers who died in "Operation Market Garden" in the battle to liberate Holland in the fall/winter of 1944. Every one of the men buried in the cemetery, as well as those in the Canadian and British military cemeteries, have been adopted by a Dutch family who mind the grave, decorate it, and keep alive the memory of the soldier they have adopted. It is even the custom to keep a portrait of "their" soldier in a place of honour in their home.
Annually, on "Liberation Day," memorial services are held for "the men who died to liberate Holland." The day concludes with a concert. The final piece is always "Il Silenzio," a memorial piece commissioned by the Dutch and first played in 1965 on the 20th anniversary of Holland's liberation. It has been the concluding piece of the memorial concert ever since.
This year the soloist was a 13-year-old Dutch girl, Melissa Venema, backed by André Rieu and his orchestra (the Royal Orchestra of the Netherlands). This beautiful concert piece is based upon the original version of taps and was composed by Italian composer Nino Rossi and the talent of this young girl is well worth a listen.

And of course tomorrow, when you Americans get out of bed is another event you will have on your minds; the nineth of the eleventh.

Us Australians speak the day, month and year in that order unlike Americans and we also drive on the left hand side of the road. However many younger Australians are using bad American names and terms having caught them from Sesame Street and McDonalds. Eg, just one, biscuits are biscuits and not cookies.
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Old 11-09-2022, 06:35 AM   #1288
Chris in WNC
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

perhaps this thread should be re-titled since most of the postings are not really "Model A related".

that said, they are mostly quite interesting and enjoyable.
keep them coming.

the hat pictures in #1287 above remind one of the Kentucky Derby outfits in this country.......
our next Model A is out there in the unknown......
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Old 11-11-2022, 03:32 PM   #1289
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Hi Chris.
Yes, that was suggested a couple of years back. Once by a reader who put his view with courtesy and once by a reader who has an opinion on everything and considers himself an authority on the lot. And lacking manners.
So I started a new thread on random stories which was deleted by the moderators. Moderators, is that the title? I think so.
English is not a strong subject with me. I failed the first national high school exam because I didn’t get a pass of 30% in English. Writing in this forum has improved that skill and I have come to enjoy it. It is apparent readers have an interest because I have had 300,000 views, replies and stories contributed by other readers to this and other threads I started. Some being simply stories like this thread and some being mechanical advice I have both sort and provided.
I have three Model A’s and look at them, in fact all A's with spontaneous adoration. And that’s being the case ever since I was a kid.
And lastly I take your comment with grace and without resentment and further more thank you for your complement. Cheers, gary

and because you liked the hats Chris, here are a couple more. g.
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Old 11-12-2022, 08:26 AM   #1290
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pleased you took my comments in the spirit they were given.

like many Americans of British ancestry, I am always interested in the subtle differences between us and our Australian "cousins", and your postings give much insight there.

as said before, keep them coming!

our next Model A is out there in the unknown......
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Old 11-13-2022, 01:20 PM   #1291
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Gary, Keep the stories coming they are enjoyable and informing. Sometimes the reason I stop by this site. Thanks
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Old 11-14-2022, 03:26 PM   #1292
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Why is the weather so? Here is an explanation.

The west coast of North and South America are currently experiencing drought; some places severe. Likewise for the east coast of Africa and again some places severe. Australia is experiencing well above average rainfall and flooding. In the Riverina where I live the rainfall in the past 10 months has been considerably higher, 13 inches is usual but to this date and we have had 26. Many farmers in flat areas have lost a considerable area of crop due flooding. The east coast is worse. Farmers have lost crops, pasture and livestock.
The Pacific Ocean has experienced easterly winds (known as La Nina) which has moved the warm water at the surface to the west and thus our east coast has had particularly heavy rain.
The Indian Ocean to our west has experienced easterlies known as negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and blown warm water to the east so our west coast has become warmer and wetter. This brings massive fronts of thunderstorms across Australia.
And one more factor. SAM or Southern Annular Mode. This name is new to me as I always knew it as the Southern Oscillation Index. When the strong westerlies migrate south (positive) our rainfall increases and vice versa.
The three illustrations below. I. La Nina- Australia gets the warm surface water. (El Nino- where North and South America gets the warm water). The second illustration is Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) negative. (When IOD is positive Africa gets the warm water). And the last is SAM. It is positive that is illustrated and it sucks the northern weather further south. The opposite of course when SAM is negative.
These three modes have all coincided thus our current high rain along with increased temperatures. I have read that an underwater volcano in the Southern Ocean erupted and blew methane extremely high in the upper atmosphere which caused these winds. Sorry I can’t offer readers an explanation.
Are we experiencing global warming. If you think not ask yourself what ended the ice age 11,000 years ago? Do you believe man made factors? Cave mans camp fires? Do you think we are being hoodwinked particularly by Governments and our learning institutions?

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Old 11-15-2022, 10:38 AM   #1293
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My wife Patsy and I watch very little TV these days but watch the internet which entertains and informs us. I have stumbled upon an entertaining old car race meeting at Lake Perkolilly, Kalgoorlie. It’s on a big red clay pan with old cars, many T’s and A’s. Most have had the bodies narrowed to only a little wider than the drivers back side. Many have boat tails. At the speeds they make these modifications would have zilch input to increasing their speed. But they look good.
This event started as a sports and picnic event in 1914 and I have copied and pasted a picture of a car that competed in their first motor ever race and returned for the last event.
The clay pan is so dusty that makes a spectacle in itself. It would be pointless having a bath before one returned home again.
I think you all would enjoy this internet video clip. Below.

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Old 11-17-2022, 04:57 PM   #1294
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The Daily River. Chapter 1.

I worked for several years in the Kimberlies which is a rocky and low density cattle grazing area in the north of WA. I would frequent the NT capital of Darwin mainly to get my aeroplane serviced and I’d fly over a large swampy region known as the Daily River. There I’d muster up the biggest mob of wild pigs or buffalo just for the hell of it. Allot of fun. There was also an American WW2 bomber having bellied up in the wet but looking in an otherwise undamaged state. I don’t recall if it was a 2 or 4 engine. I would have liked to climb into it but it was not possible to land in the swamp. Later I flew a helicopter on cattle mustering and I’d occasionally fly that too across the Daily River swamps but again it was not possible to near it or even on it. During my helicopter time I’d return to Daily River to position geologists to take water samples from creeks. These samples would be picked up by a charter aeroplane at a nearby airstrip and then flown by airliner to Adelaide for assay to determine the possibility of uranium.
I’m going to tell you of funny happenings at the Daily River Pub and nearby. That will be in chapter 2.
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Old 11-18-2022, 12:40 PM   #1295
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Chapter 2

The Daily River Pub was as the name suggests on the banks of the Daily river. It was a small but steep walk from the river to the pub. Each day a camper on the river would walk up the steep sandy river bank and ask the publican if he could fill two plastic containers from his water tank. The publican would always oblige. Publican told us he filled these tanks with a slow diesel pump on the river where this bloke was camping. Chug chug chug. Water up and water down.
Not far down the river was a mission station. This was setup and financed by a religious organisation. They provided, for native people who had always traditionally lived in the scrub or desert. Missions fed, housed and educated these people. I am an agnostic person but have a view on their involvement. They had helped many native people into the new and modern world. This mission housed young boys and girls in a common dormitory. They found they had a problem; the young girls were getting pregnant. What did they expect? Well they addressed this problem by putting a chain wire fence about mid-way in their dormitories and segregating them. This turned out a failure as the girls were still becoming pregnant. A modification was made. A second chain wire fence was erected, with a suitable gap between them. Success.
The publicans name was John Fairweather but I have forgotten his wife’s name. Well it was 48 years ago. They were both a dry and entertaining couple and personable. This attracted patrons to their business of selling cold beer of course.

I have found a 15 second clip, a Pub promo. Take a gander.
and I see there are now many houses at this location. It was only the pub when I was there but that was 48 years ago.

Next story is about what filled their pub. The mayoral elections.
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Old 11-20-2022, 04:33 PM   #1296
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Daly River Mayoral elections. Chapter 3

The northern side of the river is grazing country and cattle stations. The pub is the local community and social meeting venue. The big event is the annual mayoral elections which is not missed by any man, woman or dog. The pub overflows. A mayor is elected and the position is held for one year. The winner of this election is organised prior and he, or she, has agreed to accept. All nominees names are written on a scrap of paper and the winners name is pulled from the hat. It is the same name on each piece of paper in the hat.
To inaugurate, that person must shout the bar three times. The celebration continues all night and most return home in the morning when some of the happy effect wears off.
If you haven’t guessed it this is an event organised by the pub, for the pub and the newly appointed persons position does hold some status.
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Old 12-03-2022, 03:10 PM   #1297
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El Sherana. A past Uranium Mine.

It is south east of Darwin, about a 3 hour drive or 90 minutes by air. Named by the discovering geologist after his daughters Elvira, Sherryl and Lana. Today it is known as Jabiru and the area, formally Arnhem land is now Kakadu. The name change to appease the Aboriginal people.
It is a small circumference hole but very deep. I read it has been rejuvenated. Most probably topping a nearby hill to fill this hole. (Taking from Peter to pay Paul). No doubt the small village has been turned back to bush with is really scrub.
Operating in the late 50’s, I understand it was an English project (financed) and for you readers interested in the geology I have copied the yield and printed immediately below.
Production from El Sherana was 38,437 long tons at a grade of 12.42 lb U3O8 per long ton (0.55% U3O8). From El Sherana West, 21,316 long tons at a grade of 18.35 lb U3O8 per long ton (0.82% U3O8) were produced.
That equates to a total of 387 long tons and that seems a lot to me. Maybe I’ve made an error in my calculations and if so a reader is welcome to correct me.
El Sherana is located on the South Alligator River and my job was to fly (helicopter) three lots of geologists about 30 miles east to the East Alligator River to conduct uranium investigation. They nominated to locations on which to be dropped off and I was to pick them up late avo. The country was dead flat and wet. Absolutely no features whatsoever. Well I was nervous all day. Could I find these fellows? I had been foolish enough not to have taken a compass heading or time interville.
Well I found each of the three parties. I was nervous each day for the same reason. Interestingly I was flying in an easterly direction, that is with the sun behind me. One bloke in one party removed his watch and with the chrome back casing flicked the sun reflection towards me when I came into his view. Just that occasional light flicker I picked up their location and that took all my stress away.
One does acquire innate skills working in the outback or bush. Just as well.

Here’s some worthless information for you - from my friend Ann. This is a fact from XXX in the 1500s:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and they still smelled pretty good by June!! However, since they were starting to smell, brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it.
Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
I have replaced the place name with XXX so as not to offend the English.
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Old 12-05-2022, 03:07 AM   #1298
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Default Re: tell a Model A related story

Originally Posted by woofa.express View Post
El Sherana. A past Uranium Mine.

It is south east of Darwin, about a 3 hour drive or 90 minutes by air. Named by the discovering geologist after his daughters Elvira, Sherryl and Lana. Today it is known as Jabiru and the area, formally Arnhem land is now Kakadu. The name change to appease the Aboriginal people.
It is a small circumference hole but very deep. I read it has been rejuvenated. Most probably topping a nearby hill to fill this hole. (Taking from Peter to pay Paul). No doubt the small village has been turned back to bush with is really scrub.
Operating in the late 50’s, I understand it was an English project (financed) and for you readers interested in the geology I have copied the yield and printed immediately below.
Production from El Sherana was 38,437 long tons at a grade of 12.42 lb U3O8 per long ton (0.55% U3O8). From El Sherana West, 21,316 long tons at a grade of 18.35 lb U3O8 per long ton (0.82% U3O8) were produced.
That equates to a total of 387 long tons and that seems a lot to me. Maybe I’ve made an error in my calculations and if so a reader is welcome to correct me.
El Sherana is located on the South Alligator River and my job was to fly (helicopter) three lots of geologists about 30 miles east to the East Alligator River to conduct uranium investigation. They nominated to locations on which to be dropped off and I was to pick them up late avo. The country was dead flat and wet. Absolutely no features whatsoever. Well I was nervous all day. Could I find these fellows? I had been foolish enough not to have taken a compass heading or time interville.
Well I found each of the three parties. I was nervous each day for the same reason. Interestingly I was flying in an easterly direction, that is with the sun behind me. One bloke in one party removed his watch and with the chrome back casing flicked the sun reflection towards me when I came into his view. Just that occasional light flicker I picked up their location and that took all my stress away.
One does acquire innate skills working in the outback or bush. Just as well.

Here’s some worthless information for you - from my friend Ann. This is a fact from XXX in the 1500s:

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May and they still smelled pretty good by June!! However, since they were starting to smell, brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.
Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it.
Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
I have replaced the place name with XXX so as not to offend the English.
It's interesting to research the "life in the 1500's" story. What you quoted is part of a much longer list. A lot of items sounded rather fishy so I did some research. It was Snopes (as I remember) that did some thorough research and proved that the whole story was faked. Someone just made it all up. Typical of much internet content!

I did further research and it was indeed on Snopes. Just type "life in the 1500's" into the search box. They took every saying in that article one by one and disproved them. All made up!

Last edited by 40 Deluxe; 12-05-2022 at 09:49 PM. Reason: additional information
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Old 12-06-2022, 08:53 PM   #1299
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From Jim, referring to a previous story.
It’s interesting to research the "life in the 1500's" story. What you quoted is part of a much longer list. A lot of items sounded rather fishy so I did some research. It was Snopes (as I remember) that did some thorough research and proved that the whole story was faked. Someone just made it all up. Typical of much internet content!
I did further research and it was indeed on Snopes. Just type "life in the 1500's" into the search box. They took every saying in that article one by one and disproved them. All made up!

Gary's reply
Yes, that could well be, remember not many folks could write in those days – more than 4 centuries ago, and do remember not everything was recorded. No one would really know, but I don’t find it offensive to be told I was/am wrong. So, rightly or wrongly here is another. Well if nothing else it’s a good story/explanation. Correct or Not here’s another. Authentic? Well you decide. It’s a good story anyway. This is the last of the supposed origin from another often quoted saying and again from my friend Ann.

There is an old Hotel/Pub in Marble Arch, London, which used to have a gallows adjacent to it. Prisoners were taken to the gallows (after a fair trial of course!) to be hanged. The horse-drawn dray, carting the prisoner, was accompanied by an armed guard, who would stop the dray outside the pub and ask the prisoner if he would like ''ONE LAST DRINK''. If he said YES, it was referred to as ONE FOR THE ROAD.

If he declined, that Prisoner was ON THE WAGON.
Hollywood or History?
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Old 12-12-2022, 04:43 AM   #1300
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I hope Christmas is a time where you meet up with people who are close to you and I hope 2023 is kind to both you and I alike. cheers, gary.
Christmas 2022.
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