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Old 02-27-2014, 01:00 AM   #41
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

To you younger guys... I'm glad you're here and out there, modified cars or not. I am 53 now and joined our group when I was 18 just out of high school. I was fortunate enough to have a mentor ( my friend and since past Terry Oberer) in our group... but one of the other long time members then told me... "son, this isn't for you.... you need to go someplace else"..... I will never forget that I thought... you know... I might outlive him... and of course I did. I had to have a little bit of a hard shell but then keep the focus on the desire of the love of the cars and enjoying them and getting my '30 Tudor done. That was 36 years ago. We all have to keep in mind, young or old, we are just caretakers of these fine cars, parts, tools, whatever the case may be. It's up to us to keep the interest alive to others so we have someone to pass it too that will long for it and appreciate them and care for them (and someone to sell them too).

I have thoroughly enjoyed working on them, driving them, and touring with friends I've met all over the country. The Model A folks are the best..... and a breed of their own. It's universal comradere anywhere to just talk about them.

What to do about getting more your involved:
1. I think both the national clubs have done a great job. Ever attended a V8 National... there are no youth.... so trust me.. the "A" folks have always been working at it. I think we need to do more from the local club perspectives to get kids invlolved in the schools. Like some have said, visits.. even Cub & Boy scout troops are good sources to visit.

2. Get your local club to do car shows in force... and hand out membership applications

3. Stockers might not feel like they fit in the local hot rod car cruise but guess what...
I found a young fellow close to me that came in with a '
31 Tudor..... he had a problem... and I said I'm 5-minutes away..... we've been friends since and I am always glad to help him. By the way.. he is mechanically awesome and better at it than many of the other guys in our group.

4. Drive your cars.... the more they are out, the more they are seen. You will enjoy them more as well.

5. I think the national groups should have reduced " Youth Registration costs" for those under 21. Like no registration fee and reduced accomodations if possible for those who may need some assistance. Do something special to get them to the meets. Recognize all those under 35 at the meets...

6. Set a goal for each local region to recruit 2 youth members each year. Of course more is better.

These are just a few suggestions... there are many more..... It is incumbent upon us as caretakers to do our part. Model A folks are friendly by nature... so a little extra here and there should be easy. Get creative, individually and as your local groups.

Larry Shepard
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Old 02-27-2014, 01:03 AM   #42
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I feel there are a lot of young guys interested in our hobby. The thing is, it's so damn expensive it really thins the herd on what us young guys can afford. My first car at 17 would of been a whole lot nicer if the funds allowed but they didnt. I think thats the biggest hurdle for the younger generation, affording money/time/space for the hobby. I've always loved A's but they were never in my price range. It just so happened that I finally found a decent one for a price I could afford. And every time I see it in my garage I still cant believe i actually own one. I also know a lot of guys older than me that either can't afford a classic/antique vehicle or do have one but can't afford to fix her up. Fortunately For me i've been blessed to be able to work on my own classic cars, afford to buy whats needed and enjoy them with my two young boys.

Doing the club thing has never worked out for me either. I tried hanging out with some clubs but being that they were all pretty much 30 years older than me they never really acknowledged me in anyway. I never took it personal but it was so off putting that I don't think ill ever do a club type thing. I have met really awesome guys that have helped me out when I needed it. That's prably been the best PR for me so that's what I would say would be the best way to encourage young guys. Just being there for them when they need it no matter what kind of car they are doing and not discriminating against them if they are doing a car you are not particularly fond of.
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Old 02-27-2014, 08:15 AM   #43
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Part of the problem is that modern automobiles are almost impossible for the average person to work on other than changing the oil. WE worked on ours because we didn't have the money to pay someone to tune them, change a water pump, etc. A few tools and little knowledge and we dug in to whatever didn't work. Modern kids never get started into unless YOU or someone gets them into it.
Why do they not get into Model A's when they do get into cars? Several reasons, but IMHO it is mostly because you can buy a 10 to 20 year old pickup for a lot less than a Model A.
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Old 02-27-2014, 10:00 AM   #44
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I just have to post this. My grandson 23 years old. Had an intrest in my model a. I drove him all over the place when he was in his teens. Then i bought a 30 rpu which was in really rough shape and gave it to him. He is now rebuilding the engine, but over the past 3 years or so he has used it as a daily driver and taken girls on dates even. They were thrilled. But we both stay away from most shows and clubs because of the treatment and critcism that the members subject us to. We are having fun and that is what counts. I wish his friends were more interested but they don't seem to be at this point.
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Old 02-27-2014, 10:20 AM   #45
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Logan and Jordan hit it right square in the head, could not have put it any better. This is the way we started touring with our kids and grand kids , less than 1 year old and touring in 31 tudor in the hill country of Texas in June, July and sometimes August . Hot,Hot and Hot , but the kids always had a ball. Thanks Logan and Jordan for putting it in the right words. You've made your GRANDPA AND GRANDMOTHER PROUD. Have fun modelAtony Lafayette,LA
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Old 02-27-2014, 10:41 AM   #46
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

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Go to the local schools in the fall and have the club offer cars for the Homecoming parade. Usually late Sept or October. Do the same for the Memorial Day parade when many school bands get involved. Folks will see the A's and interest will follow. I do that here in my town with good results.
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Old 02-27-2014, 11:12 AM   #47
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jm29henry , I'm pretty sure that first post was about me so I'll tell you how I got into this hobby.

In 2001, my grandparents bought a 1930 Fordor, I was 7 years old at the time. Between then and when I graduated high school, I probably spend half my time over the summer with my grandfather, and a good deal of that time was spent helping him work on the A. For 18 years I tried to learn all I could from him. In 2012 when he passed away, the responsibility of keeping the car maintained fell to me.

Even without the Model A, I still like older technology, when things were mechanical and made of metal.

It might also have something to do with where I grew up. My best friend and his father are currently getting the rear end on their 1912 Buick buttoned up and his father just bought a 1930 Ford frame and drivetrain that he plans to make a pickup out of. I also helped them get a Model T running in October of last year that hadn't run in 60 years.

My uncle (same side as my grandfather) is also an excellent mechanic and works at a small private airport restoring antique planes. I guess I've just been exposed more than most.

To those that have been commenting on the younger people getting criticism from older owners, it is true. I got to a big show once and an older couple pulled in next to me in a Model A hot rod. All they said was, "aren't you a little young for this?" in a condescending tone.

However, for all the criticism, there are probably twice as many older people that get a big kick out of seeing a kid pull up to a show in a stock Model A. I got behind a 1911 REO on the way to another show, when we got there, I started talking to the owner who was ecstatic about a young guy in the old car hobby. We stuck together for most of the day talking and looking at cars (it was mostly him telling stories but that was fine by me).

Here's a link to that Model T we got going, some of the best fun I had in awhile.
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Old 02-27-2014, 11:15 AM   #48
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by modelAtony View Post
Logan and Jordan hit it right square in the head, could not have put it any better. This is the way we started touring with our kids and grand kids , less than 1 year old and touring in 31 tudor in the hill country of Texas in June, July and sometimes August . Hot,Hot and Hot , but the kids always had a ball. Thanks Logan and Jordan for putting it in the right words. You've made your GRANDPA AND GRANDMOTHER PROUD. Have fun modelAtony Lafayette,LA
Thank you Tony.
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Old 02-27-2014, 01:43 PM   #49
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If you want to catch fish you have to throw your lure in the right place. So... if we want younger folks we'll need to take our cars to where they are, not expect them to come to us. If I want to interact with my daughter and her High School age friends, I go to Starbucks, the Mexican Restaurant, Pizza shop, Chic-Fil-A, donut store, and the mall. Drive 'em to where they are.... then bait the hook by letting them get their pictures behind the wheel, blow the horn, or give them a ride around the block. They will post those pictures on Facebook and text pictures to their friends. Last resort: tell your daughter or son they can't date anyone who isn't interested in owning a Model A Ford.
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Old 02-27-2014, 02:07 PM   #50
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I think I could get my 30's something son interested, if I could ever get my PU "fixed" so that he could get his 6-ft+ frame inside without having to double himself up. I'm working on that!
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Old 02-27-2014, 02:50 PM   #51
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

My kids (30ish now) come over,bring friends and even my friends in there 50's.they look at the A's ...cool. When I open the door to the Trailer and they see the old 68 Bug they get all wound up!

As someone told me...there's been old guys who knew about Model A's with piles of parts Passing on for the last 80 years.
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Old 02-27-2014, 04:05 PM   #52
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

One thing that I do is post Model A pictures and talk about the cars on occasion on the various Social Media venues out there. Particularly Facebook.

A lot of people have asked me about the cars. It is a great way to make the connections.
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Old 02-27-2014, 04:11 PM   #53
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Ive restored many cars and built a few hot rods ,This is my first Model A ,but with all of them Ive included many generations of the neighbor hood kids helping alongside,Even paying a few as they got older and WANTED to help.Some have learned a lot some not so much but it puts the old car BUG into them.They have also learned whats worth restoring and whats something you can hot rod..Even a car-shows if some kid wants to stand on the running board of my 50 F-1 or maybe even sit in it I encourage it but also telling them most people don't want them doing it to their car and always to ask first..But they enjoy it ...to me thats what they are for ...my two cents anyhow
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Old 02-27-2014, 04:17 PM   #54
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

As a young guy in this hobby. I'm 40, I would say Jordan nailed it. I think clubs spend a disproportionate amount of time courting little kids and retirment/rest homes. I also grew up with A's but unlike him I strayed for about 25 years. I got into VW's followed by hot rods. I did finally join my local club last month and boy have I messed up their average age. My A is a hobby/stupid car. When I was younger I couldn't have afforded a 2nd car just for play. All my old cars up till this one have had to double as transportation. Nothing like quite like pulling a motor friday and having to drive that car to work monday.

I would say the things that would help real in the young guys is:

1 Make sure your club has a web site and update it often. If your site hasn't been updated in a couple years it no good anymore.

2 Hold meetings and tours with the working guy in mind, we are not available during the day or during the week.

3 Hold some tech seminars, you old guys have tons of knowledge, please share that knowledge with us.

4 Try to get us involved. Ask us to lead a tour, do a seminar on a tech thing or something. Old guys like to complain that young guys are only into tech, maybe the young guys could help bring the old guys up to speed.

I think what finally got me into the A's again was my Dads renewed enthusisum in A's. His cars restoration was started 30 years ago and never finished. Over the last few years he has gotten it almost completed. I also really enjoy hanging out with my Dad which helps. It just came to a point where I wanted my own, first I thought about building my own but after I bought a Tudor body I decided it would be cheaper and more instant fun to buy an older restoration that ran and drove but I could still tinker with. Thats how I ended up with my Coupe
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Old 02-27-2014, 05:36 PM   #55
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I am 40 also. I own two Model A's now. I have owed 9 different ones over the years. Our club does NOTHING to get younger guys involved, heck a few about run me off. I see our club going away one by one, it appears our membership renewals are down a bit this year too.
A member recently brought up going to technical schools in the area and that was shot down so fast.
Every chance I get, I let people of all ages sit in my pick up and even let them "AHOOGA". With cell phones now a days, every one has a camera and they take pictures, I even grab the camera so the whole family/group is in the picture. If they ask questions I will get a bit more technical showing them the engine and such. Most people ask "Why two radiator caps". Everyone walks away so happy.
You just never know who you are dealing with...It got me in a TV commercial for a local store!!

On another note, the older guys love to hoard parts...Give them up to the younger guys that you know are going to something worth while with. When your gone your family is just going to get a scrap dumpster and toss the rusty gold or have an auction.

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Old 02-27-2014, 05:44 PM   #56
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[QUOTE=spdway1;832121]I am 40 also. I own two Model A's now. I have owed 9 different ones over the years. Our club does NOTHING to get younger guys involved, heck a few about run me off. I see our club going away one by one, it appears our membership renewals are down a bit this year too.


Thats sad I guess they would rather have them crushed when they are gone, than intrest a new generation
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Old 02-27-2014, 05:58 PM   #57
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by 1930artdeco View Post
Unfortunately, unless you have one in your family a 'young' person of say late teens or early 20's probably won't be getting to interested due to the lack of funds. The economic realities of today's life will get in the way most of the time.

Now if you aim at someone a little older, say mid to late 30's then I think we have more of a shot at that generation. They tend to be a little more settled and have some disposable income.

Just my thoughts....

This is exactly the reason: lack of funds or space, takes years to restore a car and not many people have a spare bay or shed to have their kid take apart a car.

My dads always had a mechanical ability so id see him working on the car or help him change the oil. Ive inherited this ability and always want to see how stuff works.

I blame that take-apart train when i was really little (been around forever - my dads was wooden, mine plastic but its a steam locomotive that is all held together with one long threaded rod thru the "boiler" but comes apart in like 20 pieces you have to interlock and hold in place to reassemble/assemble it)

My model AA intrest came from a forum post about old cars in weeds and what people have drug out and restored on an s10 forum. Just seeing those pictures reminded me my grandpa had an old ford truck at his farm down in the weeds. My dad was just finishing up his VW Ghia restoration and loved helping him with that and seeing how many reproduction parts there are for it it got the ball rolling for me to want to do the same. I poked around a bit to see what is even available parts wise, i thought id have to scour the country and spend thousands to find parts for something as old as a model A. Once i learned that most parts are available and huge amounts of stuff that isnt i decided to walk down the path to the truck and see what condition it was in. Kinda re fell in love with it again:

its nest:

i asked my grandpa about it and told him id like to restore it to what it once was and his eyes lit up and thought it was a wonderful idea and gave it to me with a 1967 title and a ww2 ration card (found 2 more later on).

Currently frame is pretty much bare but painted, need to do all 3 leafs and rear axle before i can put the axles under her.

I have been helped in more ways than you guys can imagine by you guys and am forever grateful you've taken me under your wing so to speak to learn about these.
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Old 02-27-2014, 06:00 PM   #58
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I'm 36 and have a hot rod '29 A truck I built from just a cowl, a '40s style '31 A coupe, a bone stock '37 Ford V8-60, and a resto-mod '46 Studebaker M5 pickup. Aside from the '37 (I just bought it at Hershey) I have hand built the rest of my vehicles. I work at a university and drive my old rides to work almost every day, 40 miles round trip, 8 months out of the year. I go to 3-4 cruise nights a week, every week.

My observations:
1. Probably the oldest car out of 15,000 or so student cars I see at my work is mid-'90s.
2. At cruise night I am usually the youngest person there with a car that is over 30 years old. Once in a while a kid will show up in a '85 El Camino. Most of the guys are now into muscle cars and are roughly 45-55 years old. The 55+ crowd is into street rods and stockers.

I think that kids want what they see growing up. Right now those "kids" are boomers and want '50s cars and muscle cars. Pre-war cars are for the older folks. The T guys are all but gone and I never ever see a stock T out except for the AACA show.

The current generation of kids 16-25 doesn't seem to be interested in even driving or living on their own much less owning an old car. There are always exceptions, but they are fewer in number each year. I grew up in the '80s so you would think an IROC-Z would be my dream car, but it's not, a pre-war Ford is.

The kids these days are going to want to cruise an old '05 WRX in a few years. I predict in the next 20-30 years that most of the "car guys" now will be either gone or too old to drive anymore. There is going to be a huge supply of old iron and very little demand. Sure, Deuces and As will always be special, but they too will wain in popularity. Any fiberglass car is going to be worthless as there will be so many real steel cars up for grabs why would you want a 'glass one?

It's sad, but I think you guys (anyone over 50) are going to be the last big hoorah in terms of car culture. I hope that I am wrong! I think the world is changing too much away from good old cool American iron to computers, phones, and vanity to make this thing last forever. I know I won't be hanging out at cruise nights with my Model A in 30 years if it's nothing but 2014 Mustangs and Camaros and vintage cell phones.
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Old 02-27-2014, 06:16 PM   #59
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Being friendly to new members OF ANY AGE is very important. My wife and I joined the local MARC-MAFCA club last year and have never met a friendlier group. We're old timers, but this group does lots of "out in the community" stuff and is open to anyone interested in old cars. We had the same experience years ago in another area.

However, I got ridiculed on another forum for another type automobile and decided I didn't need abuse when I asked a question, and I guarantee you young folks won't stay around if you ridicule them or don't make the move to get acquainted.

WE the older folks need to make the move to get youngsters interested. All three of my sons have antique autos and I show my A (in pieces and in work) to the youngsters - make and female every chance I get. Can't wait to get it on the road. (They love my wife's Mustang too)
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Old 02-27-2014, 06:27 PM   #60
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I am 35 and have owned 7 Model A's now, only keeping my jewel that I bought from Neil Mylar who is a member here and passing on the rest as I get them finished. Neil sold me my 29 coupe back in 09 and aside from putting 35 wire wheels on it and a 39 transmission, it is bone stock. I drive it everywhere. I like them stock and I like them as a hot rod but I would never take an original car and tear it apart. If I was going to build a rod, I would start with something that has been passed on by restorers because it is too rough.

Simply put, most kids these days do not want to do slow. There are a few though like myself that are around but the number is small. I do agree however that the prices for A's seems to be going up or atleast the people trying to sell them are asking way too much. I looked at a 31 coupe this past fall and it was a bone stocker but both rear wheel wells were cut out and it needed a fair bit of work. 12k was the lowest he would go.

Just because it is an 85 year old model A does not mean it is worth gold and I think more younger guys would get involved if they could afford it. I was lucky and Neil sold me a great car for a great price. I actually get made fun of often by younger people, asking me if it will go over 40 miles an hour and things of that nature. I think there will always be a following but it is getting smaller.
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