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Old 02-26-2014, 09:15 PM   #21
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

All it's going to take is some Hollywood superstar to have a huge media covered interest and the young will take note. Also I think the young ladies may find a young lad into vintage autos more appealing rather than someone glued to the I phone or video games all day, at least that's my selling point to my 3 young boys. Somebody has to make it very clear that this is a very satisfying and cool hobby because it is.
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:23 PM   #22
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by roccaas View Post
Young people?

Whatever we do, it better be in the form of an App, or something to do with texting-these seem to be the ONLY things in which these folks have a strong interest!
Yeah. Comments like this will not help get young people involved in Model A's.

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Old 02-26-2014, 09:28 PM   #23
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I agree with karasmer, publicity campaign from celebritys. actor or performer..note i did not say musician.

I am 28 and alot of people think they are cool,but dont understand stock cars or dont care to have a stock model a.

I suggested in a previous thread that, we have a national take them for a ride in a model a day!

Can be 4th of july or christmas ect, take a neighbor,relative,friend, ect for a ride in your model a. Have them pose with the car take video of the ride, or pictures of the adventure so they can share it with their circle of family and friends.

I also see with such groups of restorors that they are targeting very young kids which is good,but not the best! I think they are totally missing teens that are going to get their licenses!!! If they get them say 15-18 ish.. even 15-21 then they will want their first vehicle and maybe a model a!

Also there is say the late 20's in some cases or hell 30-40's those who have money, but to show them how COOL a stock car is and How fun they are to drive?

who's in?
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:29 PM   #24
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

If you can, do what my grandparents did. They started when we were really young, our first meet was when we were 3 months old. We grew up in the cars. Even if we wanted to go to 7/11 to get a slurpy we take the car. Even though we had to move 3 cars to get one of the model a's out. And the 7/11 is only a half mile away. Most people wouldn't go through the trouble of moving essentially 4 cars just to drive a 1/2 mile. But of course, we had to finish the slurpy at the gas station before we could get back in the car.

Every club event, meet, car show, or just an overnight trip somewhere in a model a, we were given the opportunity to go. Being that we started going to the events so young, it became a way of life for us kids. If we couldn't go to something or a tour that my grandparents were going on we got bummed out cuz we felt like we were missing out. Eventually it got to the point, as we got older, that we started asking our grandparents if we could go somewhere or to different meets, and they always agreed even if they had not planned on attending the meets or taking the trips.

At a very early age (3-4 years old) my brother and I "picked our cars". He always liked the sedan and I always liked the coupe. (The only thing we've never fought about) and because of this my grandpa knew he could never sell the cars. Although he admitted as he got older that he probably would have sold all his cars because most of his model a buddies past away about 10-12 years before he did. But he knew that he had sparked out interest early enough, that we would far exceed anything he had ever done with the cars and the hobby.

The point of my story. Start them young. If you're not part of a club, join one and start attending events and meetings as you can. And take your family with you. Make it a family event. If your kids/grandkids want to bring friends, let them. If they don't seem overly interested, but like the cars. Let them pick and choose what they want to go to, but always ask if they want to go when there is an event.

The only way to get them involved, is to physically get them involved. Take them to events, let them work on the car with you. Don't boss them around or yell if they aren't doing something correctly, just help them out and talk them through it or show them.

The people actively involved in the A world, are some of the greatest people on earth. But if no one new is introduced to them, how are they gonna know?

I'm 20 and so is my brother, and we can't hardly enough model a stuff. We use to be more active when in high school, but college and working full time has slowed us down. I have my grandpas '31 coupe, & a '28 boat tail speedster I made, my brothers got the '30 town sedan, and right now I'm restoring a '31 180A deluxe phaeton for my dad, and I also do restoration work at a well known shop here in Fort Worth. Because of my grandparents taking us so young, it's become a way of life and I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.
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Last edited by Logan; 02-26-2014 at 09:39 PM.
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:30 PM   #25
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

also without going political, need current and future generations to "protect" the hobby as well as keep it going
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:38 PM   #26
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

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Originally Posted by diomed View Post
I'm 40 and am currently looking for a Model A. I don’t want a hot rod, just a stock A. Nobody in my circle of friends can understand why. Maybe once I get one, they'll turn, but for now I’m going at it alone.

The thing that bothers me is what happens to all the nice cars that get sold once the owner is too old to care for it? Chopping up an 80+ year old car to make some terrible "rat rod" should be criminal.

I hope you find a nice Model A. Good luck. TM
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:51 PM   #27
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Sadly, I do not believe you can.

The biggest problem is that old guys and young guys live in different worlds. The things we think are cool seem old fashioned to them. The things they think are cool seem shallow to us. There is no bridge between us.

I've also learned that old guys have seen it all and done it all. That means they don't have that evangelistic energy that attracts others. There's no puppy-dog enthusiasm that begs others to follow. They don't line up for the next tour, and then can't keep shut about it afterwards. They don't compel others to attend that next Model A event. They don't brag about their cars on FaceBook. It's all just ho-hum, been there, done that, let's get coffee and talk about hip replacements. Why would a young kid have anything to do with that guy's hobbies?

Talking about two worlds... old guys don't hang out on the web like kids do, so there's no cross-pollination of ideas. It's like a huge chasm between generations. Most old guys don't own a smartphone or don't know how to use one. They don't upload YouTube videos. Don't have FaceBook accounts. Don't tweet or text. So how will younger kids ever know about this awesome hobby? Ahh... maybe they'll bump into an old guy some day. Who knows...

I think the hobby will dramatically shrink as the older guys age out.

But that could change if we fully embraced the younger gen's tech: YouTube, FB, Twitter, Android, iOS, Surface, Daily Texts, Skype, and twenty other things on the technology horizon today.
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:56 PM   #28
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I go to threshing shows every year. There are many young people there. The sad part is most of the shows do not have many old cars as many do not like people touching...... their car. One way to get others interested is to bring your A were people are and be ok with it getting touched or the running boards sat on. Also stay around the car, be freindly and answer questions. Let those looking blow the horn... you would be amazed how the A horn will draw a crowd!!

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Old 02-26-2014, 09:57 PM   #29
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by newshirt View Post
Sadly, I do not believe you can.

The biggest problem is that old guys and young guys live in different worlds. The things we think are cool seem old fashioned to them. The things they think are cool seem shallow to us. There is no bridge between us.

I've also learned that old guys have seen it all and done it all. That means they don't have that evangelistic energy that attracts others. There's no puppy-dog enthusiasm that begs others to follow. They don't line up for the next tour, and then can't keep shut about it afterwards. They don't compel others to attend that next Model A event. They don't brag about their cars on FaceBook. It's all just ho-hum, been there, done that, let's get coffee and talk about hip replacements. Why would a young kid have anything to do with that guy's hobbies?

Talking about two worlds... old guys don't hang out on the web like kids do, so there's no cross-pollination of ideas. It's like a huge chasm between generations. Most old guys don't own a smartphone or don't know how to use one. They don't upload YouTube videos. Don't have FaceBook accounts. Don't tweet or text. So how will younger kids ever know about this awesome hobby? Ahh... maybe they'll bump into an old guy some day. Who knows...

I think the hobby will dramatically shrink as the older guys age out.

But that could change if we fully embraced the younger gen's tech: YouTube, FB, Twitter, Android, iOS, Surface, Daily Texts, Skype, and twenty other things on the technology horizon today.
I agree, well even fb ect goes hot then cold, for instance instagram is growing, used compared to fb which is dying out.

what is old becomes new again, but guess the new generation needs to see the wheel was already invented and not try to re invent it from scratch.
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Old 02-26-2014, 09:57 PM   #30
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

hot rods seem cool to them but not as much as stock...how do we change this?
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Old 02-26-2014, 10:09 PM   #31
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I always point out celebrity car nuts such as Leno, Ron Howard, George Lucas when I can. American Graffiti is on the Netflix queue.
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Old 02-26-2014, 10:22 PM   #32
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

This forum is a great help to attract the younger crowd and a good reason to always keep it friendly. A little tolerance will help interest younger people. My son in law wanted electronic ignition in the A I gave him so we put it in together as we did with a couple other mods he wanted.
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Old 02-26-2014, 11:06 PM   #33
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Guess I'll chime in too.

I teach at a high school. I drive an A to school often. The kids love them, but feel that owning such a car is impractical. Other needs come first. Most are on free lunch and really just want to make sure they have nice clothes and a phone. I don't expect to get these guys interested in Model A's at their age, but at least they see mine and have the chance to ride in it and check it out. Maybe someday, if it suits their lifestyle, they'll want one of their own.

Having said that, I agree with the post that suggested that the "next generation" of A enthusiasts is probably in their late 30's or 40's right now. They are secure enough to see the value of owning an A, and not likely to be too easily put off by crotchety old buggers, who just look down their noses at lesser mortals.

So, the Barn is great! All you crotchety old buggers who take the time here to answer questions and encourage everyone from drivers to restorers are keeping the hobby alive.

You dads and grand dads who are passing the hobby on to family member are doing great too.

And those of you who participate in a club that keeps the cars in front of the public are also making a difference.

And when the time comes, it would be nice if some remembered: You can't take 'em with you. Hell, you can't even drive 'em to the cemetery.
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Old 02-26-2014, 11:10 PM   #34
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I just turned 47, so I'm not young by some of the other poster's standards, but in my club most members are my Dad's age--literally. I grew up going to Model A meets, swap meets and club events. Dad always promised us a Model A at some point. When I got close to 16, well I wanted a '69 Mach 1 Mustang, the bigger the engine the better. Well, I've owned over a dozen Mustangs and still have the sought after Mach 1.

BUT, one thing I learned through Mustang clubs is they aren't the same. I never found any Mustang club where tours were more important than shows, tech seminars were regular, and everyone worked on their own car to some degree if not extensively. Mustang club members I met paid people to repair, restore and modify their cars, they got excited about sitting behind their car in a lawn chair in a parking lot show, and a tech seminar was how to wax your car.

Last year Dad made good on his promise of a Model A, so I joined a local club. People immediately made me feel welcome, I quickly found lots of events--tours, tech seminars, people willing to help, and more. Members have loaned me tools, called me when they heard about a part they thought I may want, come over to help work on my car, taught me things about the A, etc. I'm keeping my Mach 1, but I probably won't join another Mustang club!

I think Model A owners have more fun with their cars, that is something younger people looking for a car need to know about.
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Old 02-26-2014, 11:22 PM   #35
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It is an interesting problem. Much of the hobby is aging and not wanting to do things that are "fun" for the younger people looking for a hobby. The comment about not being accepted and even being treated badly is sad. I have found people quite friendly when you are driving a Model A. Having driven around much of the country over the past 50+ years in a stock (OK close to stock) Model A local folks will take the time to talk to you and tell you about the local area. But because the car has a few modifications to make in more comfortable and reliable comments are made about my car...but I'm not young and can take it I guess... but we really need to be accepting and help the young folks get involved. I took my roadster to pickup my grandson at high school. I told him to check out where the girls were looking as he was walking out. He noticed that they were looking at the roadster....I couldn't convince him they were really checking out his grandfather! LOL So I told him he should think about Model As when he gets around to driving. Might be away to meet a few girls. (It worked for his grandfather, met my wife because of the Model A!)
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Old 02-26-2014, 11:30 PM   #36
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by Aok View Post
If you want to get young men interested you 1st need to get young women interested.
i found one but she was serious padded cell material so i put her back on the shelf. Yuck
Originally Posted by roccaas View Post
Young people?

Whatever we do, it better be in the form of an App, or something to do with texting-these seem to be the ONLY things in which these folks have a strong interest!
Not entirely true, only people with friends & social lives text people.
Originally Posted by poweredbylincoln View Post
hot rods seem cool to them but not as much as stock...how do we change this?
Drive around with a tommy gun & pretend to be original gansta?
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Old 02-26-2014, 11:54 PM   #37
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

It has to start on the local level. If your club is anti-mods, only sits around on Saturday mornings for coffee @ McDonalds, or has their meetings at a nursing home: you won't have any young members.

As my brother said, we grew up in the hobby. Our grandparents were changing our diapers on the running boards. I remember going around Texas Motor Speedway after it first opened sitting on my grandma's lap while my brother sat on the package tray. I remember riding in the Coupe to Victoria, TX for a Texas Tour and it being miserably hot. At one point, we had 5 people in the car. 2 up front and 3 in the rumble seat. My grandma got the car stuck in a ditch out in the middle of nowhere. How many other kids have memories like this of when they were under the age of 5?

I might not be able to tell you what to do to get young people involved, but I can surely tell you what NOT to do.

1) quit nit picking cars. 99% of the cars on the road are not show cars, and even the 1% that is- they aren't perfect either. If somebody shows up with a car that has purple fenders & the wrong wheels, smile & welcome them- don't start off by telling them how wrong their car is.

2) The younger generation is going to modify. It's as simple as that. My car is pretty heavily modified, but I could switch it back to 100% stock and nobody would know the difference. If it's not your car, don't worry about it.

3) DRIVE. Get your club out and drive. What's the point in owning a car if it's not going to do what it was built to do? Go somewhere fun and enjoyable for everyone. Young people aren't going to think taking their car to show off at a nursing home is fun. I do it all the time for my Grandma and her nursing home. But if she didn't live there, I likely wouldn't.

4) If your state has an annual meet, don't hold it during the school year. This will automatically cut out any youth attendance. I know this for a fact. In 2010 when Ft Worth club hosted Texas Tour, it was after the school year ended. We had 52 youth registered. Years that it was held on the tail end of the school year, I would of been surprised if there were 10 youth there. It makes a HUGE difference.

I could go on for days, but I figure I'll stop here.
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:06 AM   #38
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Angry Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
It has to start on the local level. If your club is anti-mods, only sits around on Saturday mornings for coffee @ McDonalds, or has their meetings at a nursing home: you won't have any young members.

I might not be able to tell you what to do to get young people involved, but I can surely tell you what NOT to do.

1) quit nit picking cars. 99% of the cars on the road are not show cars, and even the 1% that is- they aren't perfect either. If somebody shows up with a car that has purple fenders & the wrong wheels, smile & welcome them- don't start off by telling them how wrong their car is.

2) The younger generation is going to modify. It's as simple as that. My car is pretty heavily modified, but I could switch it back to 100% stock and nobody would know the difference. If it's not your car, don't worry about it.

3) DRIVE. Get your club out and drive. What's the point in owning a car if it's not going to do what it was built to do? Go somewhere fun and enjoyable for everyone. Young people aren't going to think taking their car to show off at a nursing home is fun. I do it all the time for my Grandma and her nursing home. But if she didn't live there, I likely wouldn't.

4) If your state has an annual meet, don't hold it during the school year. This will automatically cut out any youth attendance. I know this for a fact. In 2010 when Ft Worth club hosted Texas Tour, it was after the school year ended. We had 52 youth registered. Years that it was held on the tail end of the school year, I would of been surprised if there were 10 youth there. It makes a HUGE difference.

I could go on for days, but I figure I'll stop here.
You are right on the money Jordan.
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:42 AM   #39
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

1+++ for Jordan's item number 4, we have to take our kids out of school to attend CCRG, that took some convincing with my wife. Will we go again next year if it requires pulling the kids from school, probably not.
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:50 AM   #40
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Default Re: how can we get the youth to be come involed in our hobby?

I find myself at a lot of flea markets antique shops and the like 30 years ago young people were rare at these kind of places ,but latley im noticing a lot of young kids (not just draged along) but their with a real interest in old stuff I see it more and more -and think its due to TV shows like pawnstars and american pickers just my 3 cents
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